if { [catch { # Source procedures source tclwebtest-functions.tcl # Test Execution START # Login the site wide admin login_site_wide_admin # We need a few users upload_users $server_url # We want the users to have a known password so people can log in with them set_users_passwords $server_url # Add the site wide admin to dotLRN add_site_wide_admin_to_dotlrn $server_url # Setup a few terms setup_terms $server_url # Departments setup_departments $server_url # Setup subjects setup_subjects $server_url # We can now add a few classes setup_classes $server_url # Setup members, i.e. professors, students and assistants setup_class_memberships $server_url # We want to show off the subgroup functionality setup_class_subgroups $server_url # Sloan uses this member list - only add it for the computing classes # So that we can demo adding it to other classes add_member_applet_to_classes $server_url # Add a default forum to each class add_default_class_forums $server_url # Add some communities as well (i.e. Tennis Club etc.) setup_communities $server_url # Add some news items to each class add_class_news_items $server_url # Test Execution END } result] } { global errorInfo puts stderr $result puts stderr "*** Tcl TRACE ***" puts stderr $errorInfo puts "The response body is: [response body]" error "Test failed: $result" }