WAP Design Document

Shan Shan Huang

I. Essentials

II. Introduction

The WAP package enables both the easy adaptation of existing ACS web services to a WAP-compliant format, and the building of stand-alone WAP applications on top of ACS. The WAP package enables a web application to serve both WAP and regular brower compatable pages, transitioning between the two seamlessly, alieviating developers from having to determining the requesting users type.

The WAP package, however, is not meant to take templates developed for desktop browsers and automatically generate WAP-compliant format of the same templates. Because of WAP devices' limited screen space, page flow must be designed differently, and thus different templates are called for.

III. Historical Considerations

  • Generate WML templates from ADP templates. To help developers port an existing web service to a WAP-compatible format, we considered automatically converting ADP templates to WML templates, by replacing HTML tags with their appropriate WML conterparts. However, since WAP devices have significantly smaller screen spaces, it does not make sense to use the same page flow and layouts of regular HTML pages. We thus opted to have developers specify a new WML template for a page to be served to a WAP device.

    IV. API

    V. Data Model Discussion

    The core of the WAP data model is one table that stores user agent types:
    create table wap_user_agents ( user_agent_id integer references acs_objects(object_id) primary key, name varchar(200) constraint wap_user_agent_name_nn not null, creation_comment varchar(4000), active_p char(1) constraint wap_user_agt_act_p_chk check(active_p in('t', 'f')) );
    Recognized WAP user agents include: ALV UP/4.0.7, Alcatel-BE3/1.0 UP/4.0.6c, EricssonR320/R1A, etc. The list of valid WAP user agents is used to check against all incoming user agents to determine the request user agent type, and the type of template being returned (.adp, or .wml).

    VI. User Interface

    VII. Configuration/Parameters

    There are two site-wide parameters that are used by the WAP package:

    VIII. Future Improvements/Areas of Likely Change

    IX. Authors

    X. Revistion History

    Document Revision # Action Taken, Notes When? By Whom?
    0.1 Creation 12/05/2000 Shan Shan Huang
    0.2 Revised for new requirements 12/13/2000 Shan Shan Huang
    0.3 Final revision before making an apm. 01/21/2001 Shan Shan Huang
