select 1 from wf_workflows where workflow_key = :workflow_key select pretty_name as workflow_name from acs_object_types where object_type = :workflow_key select context_key as context_key_from_db, context_name as title, '' as url, 0 as selected_p from wf_contexts order by context_name select tr.transition_key, tr.transition_name, p.party_id, as party_name, as party_email, '' as user_select_widget from wf_transition_info tr left outer join (wf_context_assignments ca left outer join parties p using (party_id)) using (context_key, transition_key) where tr.workflow_key = :workflow_key and tr.context_key = :context_key and tr.trigger_type = 'user' and tr.assignment_callback is null and not exists (select 1 from wf_transition_assignment_map where workflow_key = tr.workflow_key and assign_transition_key = tr.transition_key) order by tr.sort_order, tr.transition_key select p.party_id as sel_party_id, as sel_name, as sel_email from parties p where p.party_id not in (select ca.party_id from wf_context_assignments ca where ca.workflow_key = :workflow_key and ca.context_key = :context_key and ca.transition_key = :transition_key)