-- -- -- -- @author Jade Rubick (jader@bread.com) -- From bug #2210 -- @creation-date 2004-12-16 -- @arch-tag: 16d12f6e-d889-45a4-b7d5-df75388b11fe -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-2.0.0b3-2.0.0b4.sql,v 2005/09/23 09:29:03 victorg Exp $ -- create or replace package body workflow_case_pkg as function get_pretty_state( workflow_short_name in varchar, object_id in integer ) return varchar is v_state_pretty varchar(4000); v_object_id integer; begin v_object_id := object_id; select s.pretty_name into v_state_pretty from workflows w, workflow_cases c, workflow_case_fsm cfsm, workflow_fsm_states s where w.short_name = workflow_short_name and c.object_id = v_object_id and c.workflow_id = w.workflow_id and cfsm.case_id = c.case_id and s.state_id = cfsm.current_state; return v_state_pretty; end get_pretty_state; function del( delete_case_id in integer ) return integer is begin -- All workflow data cascades from the case id delete from workflow_cases where case_id = workflow_case_pkg.del.delete_case_id; return 0; end del; end workflow_case_pkg; / show errors