-- This giant package body is here since we are adding -- two lines to acs_object.delete() to delete direct permissions -- granted on the object which we are deleting -- create or replace package body acs_object as procedure initialize_attributes ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) is v_object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; begin -- XXX This should be fixed to initialize supertypes properly. -- Initialize dynamic attributes insert into acs_attribute_values (object_id, attribute_id, attr_value) select initialize_attributes.object_id, a.attribute_id, a.default_value from acs_attributes a, acs_objects o where a.object_type = o.object_type and o.object_id = initialize_attributes.object_id and a.storage = 'generic' and a.static_p = 'f'; -- Retreive type for static attributes select object_type into v_object_type from acs_objects where object_id = initialize_attributes.object_id; -- Initialize static attributes begin insert into acs_static_attr_values (object_type, attribute_id, attr_value) select v_object_type, a.attribute_id, a.default_value from acs_attributes a, acs_objects o where a.object_type = o.object_type and o.object_id = initialize_attributes.object_id and a.storage = 'generic' and a.static_p = 't' and not exists (select 1 from acs_static_attr_values where object_type = a.object_type); exception when no_data_found then null; end; end initialize_attributes; function new ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'acs_object', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return acs_objects.object_id%TYPE is v_object_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin if object_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_object_id from dual; else v_object_id := object_id; end if; insert into acs_objects (object_id, object_type, context_id, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip) values (v_object_id, object_type, context_id, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip); acs_object.initialize_attributes(v_object_id); return v_object_id; end new; procedure delete ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) is v_exists_p char; begin -- Delete dynamic/generic attributes delete from acs_attribute_values where object_id = acs_object.delete.object_id; -- Delete directly assigned permissions -- -- JCD: We do this as an execute rather than just a direct query since -- the acs_permissions table is not created when this file is -- sourced. We need to clean up the creates and once that is done -- we can turn this into a simple delete statement. -- execute immediate 'delete from acs_permissions where object_id = :object_id' using in object_id; for object_type in (select table_name, id_column from acs_object_types start with object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects o where o.object_id = acs_object.delete.object_id) connect by object_type = prior supertype) loop -- Delete from the table if it exists. select decode(count(*),0,'f','t') into v_exists_p from user_tables where table_name = upper(object_type.table_name); if v_exists_p = 't' then execute immediate 'delete from ' || object_type.table_name || ' where ' || object_type.id_column || ' = :object_id' using in object_id; end if; end loop; end delete; function name ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is object_name varchar2(500); v_object_id integer := object_id; begin -- Find the name function for this object, which is stored in the -- name_method column of acs_object_types. Starting with this -- object's actual type, traverse the type hierarchy upwards until -- a non-null name_method value is found. -- for object_type in (select name_method from acs_object_types start with object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects o where o.object_id = name.object_id) connect by object_type = prior supertype) loop if object_type.name_method is not null then -- Execute the first name_method we find (since we're traversing -- up the type hierarchy from the object's exact type) using -- Native Dynamic SQL, to ascertain the name of this object. -- --execute immediate 'select ' || object_type.name_method || '(:1) from dual' execute immediate 'begin :1 := ' || object_type.name_method || '(:2); end;' using out object_name, in object_id; --into object_name exit; end if; end loop; return object_name; end name; function default_name ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is object_type_pretty_name acs_object_types.pretty_name%TYPE; begin select ot.pretty_name into object_type_pretty_name from acs_objects o, acs_object_types ot where o.object_id = default_name.object_id and o.object_type = ot.object_type; return object_type_pretty_name || ' ' || object_id; end default_name; procedure get_attribute_storage ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, v_column out varchar2, v_table_name out varchar2, v_key_sql out varchar2 ) is v_object_type acs_attributes.object_type%TYPE; v_static acs_attributes.static_p%TYPE := null; v_attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE := null; v_storage acs_attributes.storage%TYPE := null; v_attr_name acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE := null; v_id_column varchar2(200) := null; v_sql varchar2(4000) := null; v_return varchar2(4000) := null; -- Fetch the most inherited attribute cursor c_attribute is select a.attribute_id, a.static_p, a.storage, a.table_name, a.attribute_name, a.object_type, a.column_name, t.id_column from acs_attributes a, (select object_type, id_column from acs_object_types connect by object_type = prior supertype start with object_type = (select object_type from acs_objects where object_id = object_id_in) ) t where a.attribute_name = attribute_name_in and a.object_type = t.object_type; begin -- Determine the attribute parameters open c_attribute; fetch c_attribute into v_attr_id, v_static, v_storage, v_table_name, v_attr_name, v_object_type, v_column, v_id_column; if c_attribute%NOTFOUND then close c_attribute; raise_application_error (-20000, 'No such attribute ' || v_object_type || '::' || attribute_name_in || ' in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.'); end if; close c_attribute; -- This should really be done in a trigger on acs_attributes, -- instead of generating it each time in this function -- If there is no specific table name for this attribute, -- figure it out based on the object type if v_table_name is null then -- Determine the appropriate table name if v_storage = 'generic' then -- Generic attribute: table name/column are hardcoded v_column := 'attr_value'; if v_static = 'f' then v_table_name := 'acs_attribute_values'; v_key_sql := '(object_id = ' || object_id_in || ' and ' || 'attribute_id = ' || v_attr_id || ')'; else v_table_name := 'acs_static_attr_values'; v_key_sql := '(object_type = ''' || v_object_type || ''' and ' || 'attribute_id = ' || v_attr_id || ')'; end if; else -- Specific attribute: table name/column need to be retreived if v_static = 'f' then select table_name, id_column into v_table_name, v_id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = v_object_type; else raise_application_error(-20000, 'No table name specified for storage specific static attribute ' || v_object_type || '::' || attribute_name_in || ' in acs_object.get_attribute_storage.'); end if; end if; else -- There is a custom table name for this attribute. -- Get the id column out of the acs_object_tables -- Raise an error if not found select id_column into v_id_column from acs_object_type_tables where object_type = v_object_type and table_name = v_table_name; end if; if v_column is null then if v_storage = 'generic' then v_column := 'attr_value'; else v_column := v_attr_name; end if; end if; if v_key_sql is null then if v_static = 'f' then v_key_sql := v_id_column || ' = ' || object_id_in ; else v_key_sql := v_id_column || ' = ''' || v_object_type || ''''; end if; end if; exception when no_data_found then if c_attribute%ISOPEN then close c_attribute; end if; raise_application_error(-20000, 'No data found for attribute ' || v_object_type || '::' || attribute_name_in || ' in acs_object.get_attribute_storage'); end get_attribute_storage; -- Get/set the value of an object attribute, as long as -- the type can be cast to varchar2 function get_attribute ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_table_name varchar2(200); v_column varchar2(200); v_key_sql varchar2(4000); v_return varchar2(4000); begin get_attribute_storage(object_id_in, attribute_name_in, v_column, v_table_name, v_key_sql); begin execute immediate 'select ' || v_column || ' from ' || v_table_name || ' where ' || v_key_sql into v_return; exception when no_data_found then return null; end; return v_return; end get_attribute; procedure set_attribute ( object_id_in in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, attribute_name_in in acs_attributes.attribute_name%TYPE, value_in in varchar2 ) is v_table_name varchar2(200); v_column varchar2(200); v_key_sql varchar2(4000); v_return varchar2(4000); v_dummy integer; begin get_attribute_storage(object_id_in, attribute_name_in, v_column, v_table_name, v_key_sql); execute immediate 'update ' || v_table_name || ' set ' || v_column || ' = :value where ' || v_key_sql using value_in; end set_attribute; function check_context_index ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, ancestor_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, n_generations in integer ) return char is n_rows integer; n_gens integer; begin -- Verify that this row exists in the index. select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into n_rows from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_context_index.object_id and ancestor_id = check_context_index.ancestor_id; if n_rows = 1 then -- Verify that the count is correct. select n_generations into n_gens from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_context_index.object_id and ancestor_id = check_context_index.ancestor_id; if n_gens != n_generations then acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Ancestor ' || ancestor_id || ' of object ' || object_id || ' reports being generation ' || n_gens || ' when it is actually generation ' || n_generations || '.'); return 'f'; else return 't'; end if; else acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Ancestor ' || ancestor_id || ' of object ' || object_id || ' is missing an entry in acs_object_context_index.'); return 'f'; end if; end; function check_object_ancestors ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, ancestor_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, n_generations in integer ) return char is context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; security_inherit_p acs_objects.security_inherit_p%TYPE; n_rows integer; n_gens integer; result char(1); begin -- OBJECT_ID is the object we are verifying -- ANCESTOR_ID is the current ancestor we are tracking -- N_GENERATIONS is how far ancestor_id is from object_id -- Note that this function is only supposed to verify that the -- index contains each ancestor for OBJECT_ID. It doesn''t -- guarantee that there aren''t extraneous rows or that -- OBJECT_ID''s children are contained in the index. That is -- verified by seperate functions. result := 't'; -- Grab the context and security_inherit_p flag of the current -- ancestor''s parent. select context_id, security_inherit_p into context_id, security_inherit_p from acs_objects where object_id = check_object_ancestors.ancestor_id; if ancestor_id = 0 then if context_id is null then result := 't'; else -- This can be a constraint, can''t it? acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Object 0 doesn''t have a null context_id'); result := 'f'; end if; else if context_id is null or security_inherit_p = 'f' then context_id := 0; end if; if check_context_index(object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; if check_object_ancestors(object_id, context_id, n_generations + 1) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end if; return result; end; function check_object_descendants ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, descendant_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, n_generations in integer ) return char is result char(1); begin -- OBJECT_ID is the object we are verifying. -- DESCENDANT_ID is the current descendant we are tracking. -- N_GENERATIONS is how far the current DESCENDANT_ID is from -- OBJECT_ID. -- This function will verfy that each actualy descendant of -- OBJECT_ID has a row in the index table. It does not check that -- there aren't extraneous rows or that the ancestors of OBJECT_ID -- are maintained correctly. result := 't'; -- First verify that OBJECT_ID and DESCENDANT_ID are actually in -- the index. if check_context_index(descendant_id, object_id, n_generations) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; -- For every child that reports inheriting from OBJECT_ID we need to call -- ourselves recursively. for obj in (select * from acs_objects where context_id = descendant_id and security_inherit_p = 't') loop if check_object_descendants(object_id, obj.object_id, n_generations + 1) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; end loop; return result; end; function check_path ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, ancestor_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return char is context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; security_inherit_p acs_objects.security_inherit_p%TYPE; begin if object_id = ancestor_id then return 't'; end if; select context_id, security_inherit_p into context_id, security_inherit_p from acs_objects where object_id = check_path.object_id; if context_id is null or security_inherit_p = 'f' then context_id := 0; end if; return check_path(context_id, ancestor_id); end; function check_representation ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return char is result char(1); object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; n_rows integer; begin result := 't'; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'Running acs_object.check_representation on object_id = ' || object_id || '.'); -- If this fails then there isn''t even an object associated with -- this id. I'm going to let that error propogate as an exception. select object_type into object_type from acs_objects where object_id = check_representation.object_id; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'OBJECT STORAGE INTEGRITY TEST'); -- Let's look through every primary storage table associated with -- this object type and all of its supertypes and make sure there -- is a row with OBJECT_ID as theh primary key. for t in (select t.object_type, t.table_name, t.id_column from acs_object_type_supertype_map m, acs_object_types t where m.ancestor_type = t.object_type and m.object_type = check_representation.object_type union select object_type, table_name, id_column from acs_object_types where object_type = check_representation.object_type) loop execute immediate 'select decode(count(*),0,0,1) from ' || t.table_name || ' where ' || t.id_column || ' = ' || object_id into n_rows; if n_rows = 0 then result := 'f'; acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'Table ' || t.table_name || ' (primary storage for ' || t.object_type || ') doesn''t have a row for object ' || object_id || ' of type ' || object_type || '.'); end if; end loop; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'OBJECT CONTEXT INTEGRITY TEST'); -- Do a bunch of dirt simple sanity checks. -- First let's check that all of our ancestors appear in -- acs_object_context_index with the correct generation listed. if check_object_ancestors(object_id, object_id, 0) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; -- Now let's check that all of our descendants appear in -- acs_object_context_index with the correct generation listed. if check_object_descendants(object_id, object_id, 0) = 'f' then result := 'f'; end if; -- Ok, we know that the index contains every entry that it is -- supposed to have. Now let's make sure it doesn't contain any -- extraneous entries. for row in (select * from acs_object_context_index where object_id = check_representation.object_id or ancestor_id = check_representation.object_id) loop if check_path(row.object_id, row.ancestor_id) = 'f' then acs_log.error('acs_object.check_representation', 'acs_object_context_index contains an extraneous row: ' || 'object_id = ' || row.object_id || ', ancestor_id = ' || row.ancestor_id || ', n_generations = ' || row.n_generations || '.'); result := 'f'; end if; end loop; acs_log.notice('acs_object.check_representation', 'Done running acs_object.check_representation ' || 'on object_id = ' || object_id || '.'); return result; end check_representation; procedure update_last_modified ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, last_modified in acs_objects.last_modified%TYPE default sysdate ) is v_parent_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; begin update acs_objects set acs_objects.last_modified = acs_object.update_last_modified.last_modified where acs_objects.object_id in (select ao.object_id from acs_objects ao connect by prior ao.context_id = ao.object_id start with ao.object_id = acs_object.update_last_modified.object_id) and acs_objects.context_id is not null and acs_objects.object_id != 0; end update_last_modified; end acs_object; / show errors -- DRB: Change security context to object -4 drop trigger acs_objects_context_id_in_tr; drop trigger acs_objects_context_id_up_tr; delete from acs_magic_objects where name = 'security_context_root'; declare foo acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin foo := acs_object.new ( object_id => -4, object_type => 'acs_object' ); end; / show errors; insert into acs_magic_objects (name, object_id) values ('security_context_root', -4); update acs_object_context_index set ancestor_id = -4 where ancestor_id = 0; update acs_object_context_index set object_id = -4 where object_id = 0; update acs_permissions set object_id = -4 where object_id = 0; -- Content Repository sets parent_id to security_context_root -- for content modules update cr_items set parent_id = -4 where parent_id = 0; begin acs_object.delete(0); end; / show errors; create or replace trigger acs_objects_context_id_in_tr after insert on acs_objects for each row declare security_context_root acs_magic_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin insert into acs_object_context_index (object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) values (:new.object_id, :new.object_id, 0); if :new.context_id is not null and :new.security_inherit_p = 't' then insert into acs_object_context_index (object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) select :new.object_id as object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations + 1 as n_generations from acs_object_context_index where object_id = :new.context_id; else select object_id into security_context_root from acs_magic_objects where name = 'security_context_root'; if :new.object_id != security_context_root then insert into acs_object_context_index (object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) values (:new.object_id, security_context_root, 1); end if; end if; end; / show errors create or replace trigger acs_objects_context_id_up_tr after update on acs_objects for each row declare security_context_root acs_magic_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin if :new.object_id = :old.object_id and :new.context_id = :old.context_id and :new.security_inherit_p = :old.security_inherit_p then return; end if; -- Remove my old ancestors from my descendants. delete from acs_object_context_index where object_id in (select object_id from acs_object_contexts where ancestor_id = :old.object_id) and ancestor_id in (select ancestor_id from acs_object_contexts where object_id = :old.object_id); -- Kill all my old ancestors. delete from acs_object_context_index where object_id = :old.object_id; insert into acs_object_context_index (object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) values (:new.object_id, :new.object_id, 0); if :new.context_id is not null and :new.security_inherit_p = 't' then -- Now insert my new ancestors for my descendants. for pair in (select * from acs_object_context_index where ancestor_id = :new.object_id) loop insert into acs_object_context_index (object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) select pair.object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations + pair.n_generations + 1 as n_generations from acs_object_context_index where object_id = :new.context_id; end loop; else select object_id into security_context_root from acs_magic_objects where name = 'security_context_root'; if :new.object_id != 0 then -- We need to make sure that :NEW.OBJECT_ID and all of its -- children have security_context_root as an ancestor. for pair in (select * from acs_object_context_index where ancestor_id = :new.object_id) loop insert into acs_object_context_index (object_id, ancestor_id, n_generations) values (pair.object_id, security_context_root, pair.n_generations + 1); end loop; end if; end if; end; / show errors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DRB: We now will turn the magic -1 party into a group that contains -- all registered users and a new unregistered visitor. This will allow -- us to do all permission checking on a materialized version of the -- party_member_map. -- Make our new "Unregistered Visitor" be object 0, which corresponds -- with the user_id assigned throughout the toolkit Tcl code insert into acs_objects (object_id, object_type) values (0, 'person'); insert into parties (party_id) values (0); insert into persons (person_id, first_names, last_name) values (0, 'Unregistered', 'Visitor'); insert into acs_magic_objects (name, object_id) values ('unregistered_visitor', 0); -- Now transform the old special -1 party into a legitimate group with -- one user, our Unregistered Visitor update acs_objects set object_type = 'group' where object_id = -1; insert into groups (group_id, group_name, join_policy) values (-1, 'The Public', 'closed'); declare foo acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin -- Add our only user, the Unregistered Visitor foo := membership_rel.new ( rel_type => 'membership_rel', object_id_one => acs.magic_object_id('the_public'), object_id_two => acs.magic_object_id('unregistered_visitor'), member_state => 'approved' ); -- Now declare "The Public" to be composed of itself and the "Registered -- Users" group foo := composition_rel.new ( rel_type => 'composition_rel', object_id_one => acs.magic_object_id('the_public'), object_id_two => acs.magic_object_id('registered_users') ); end; / show errors; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DRB: Replace the old party_emmber_map and party_approved_member_map views -- (they were both the same and very slow) with a table containing the same -- information. This can be used to greatly speed permissions checking. drop view party_member_map; drop view party_approved_member_map; -- The count column is needed because composition_rels lead to a lot of -- redundant data in the group element map (i.e. you can belong to the -- registered users group an infinite number of times, strange concept) -- (it is "cnt" rather than "count" because Oracle confuses it with the -- "count()" aggregate in some contexts) -- Though for permission checking we only really need to map parties to -- member users, the old view included identity entries for all parties -- in the system. It doesn't cost all that much to maintain the extra -- rows so we will, just in case some overly clever programmer out there -- depends on it. create table party_approved_member_map ( party_id integer constraint party_member_party_fk references parties, member_id integer constraint party_member_member_fk references parties, cnt integer, constraint party_approved_member_map_pk primary key (party_id, member_id) ); -- Need this to speed referential integrity create index party_member_member_idx on party_approved_member_map(member_id); -- Every person is a member of itself insert into party_approved_member_map (party_id, member_id, cnt) select party_id, party_id, 1 from parties; -- Every party is a member if it is an approved member of -- some sort of membership_rel insert into party_approved_member_map (party_id, member_id, cnt) select group_id, member_id, count(*) from group_approved_member_map group by group_id, member_id; -- Every party is a member if it is an approved member of -- some sort of relation segment insert into party_approved_member_map (party_id, member_id, cnt) select segment_id, member_id, count(*) from rel_seg_approved_member_map group by segment_id, member_id; -- Triggers to maintain party_approved_member_map when parties are create or replaced or -- destroyed. create or replace trigger parties_in_tr after insert on parties for each row begin insert into party_approved_member_map (party_id, member_id, cnt) values (:new.party_id, :new.party_id, 1); end parties_in_tr; / show errors; create or replace trigger parties_del_tr before delete on parties for each row begin delete from party_approved_member_map where party_id = :old.party_id and member_id = :old.party_id; end parties_del_tr; / show errors; -- Triggers to maintain party_approved_member_map when relational segments are -- create or replaced or destroyed. We only remove the (segment_id, member_id) rows as -- removing the relational segment itself does not remove members from the -- group with that rel_type. This was intentional on the part of the aD folks -- who added relational segments to ACS 4.2. create or replace trigger rel_segments_in_tr after insert on rel_segments for each row begin insert into party_approved_member_map (party_id, member_id, cnt) select :new.segment_id, element_id, 1 from group_element_index where group_id = :new.group_id and rel_type = :new.rel_type; end rel_segments_in_tr; / show errors; create or replace trigger rel_segments_del_tr before delete on rel_segments for each row begin delete from party_approved_member_map where party_id = :old.segment_id and member_id in (select element_id from group_element_index where group_id = :old.group_id and rel_type = :old.rel_type); end parties_del_tr; / show errors; -- DRB: Helper functions to maintain the materialized party_approved_member_map. The counting crap -- has to do with the fact that composition rels create duplicate rows in groups. create or replace package party_approved_member is procedure add_one( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ); procedure add( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE ); procedure remove_one ( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ); procedure remove ( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE ); end party_approved_member; / show errors; create or replace package body party_approved_member is procedure add_one( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ) is begin insert into party_approved_member_map (party_id, member_id, cnt) values (p_party_id, p_member_id, 1); exception when dup_val_on_index then update party_approved_member_map set cnt = cnt + 1 where party_id = p_party_id and member_id = p_member_id; end add_one; procedure add( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE ) is v_segment_id rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE; begin add_one(p_party_id, p_member_id); -- if the relation type is mapped to a relational segment map that too select segment_id into v_segment_id from rel_segments s where s.rel_type = p_rel_type and s.group_id = p_party_id; exception when no_data_found then return; add_one(v_segment_id, p_member_id); end add; procedure remove_one ( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ) is begin update party_approved_member_map set cnt = cnt - 1 where party_id = p_party_id and member_id = p_member_id; delete from party_approved_member_map where party_id = p_party_id and member_id = p_member_id and cnt = 0; end remove_one; procedure remove ( p_party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_member_id in parties.party_id%TYPE, p_rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE ) is v_segment_id rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE; begin remove_one(p_party_id, p_member_id); -- if the relation type is mapped to a relational segment unmap that too select segment_id into v_segment_id from rel_segments s where s.rel_type = p_rel_type and s.group_id = p_party_id; exception when no_data_found then return; remove_one(v_segment_id, p_member_id); end remove; end party_approved_member; / show errors; create or replace trigger membership_rels_up_tr before update on membership_rels for each row begin if :new.member_state = :old.member_state then return; end if; for map in (select group_id, element_id, rel_type from group_element_index where rel_id = :new.rel_id) loop if :new.member_state = 'approved' then party_approved_member.add(map.group_id, map.element_id, map.rel_type); else party_approved_member.remove(map.group_id, map.element_id, map.rel_type); end if; end loop; end; / show errors create or replace trigger membership_rels_in_tr after insert on membership_rels for each row declare v_object_id_one acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE; v_object_id_two acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE; v_rel_type acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE; v_error varchar2(4000); begin -- First check if added this relation violated any relational constraints v_error := rel_constraint.violation(:new.rel_id); if v_error is not null then raise_application_error(-20000,v_error); end if; select object_id_one, object_id_two, rel_type into v_object_id_one, v_object_id_two, v_rel_type from acs_rels where rel_id = :new.rel_id; -- Insert a row for me in the group_member_index. insert into group_element_index (group_id, element_id, rel_id, container_id, rel_type, ancestor_rel_type) values (v_object_id_one, v_object_id_two, :new.rel_id, v_object_id_one, v_rel_type, 'membership_rel'); if :new.member_state = 'approved' then party_approved_member.add(v_object_id_one, v_object_id_two, v_rel_type); end if; -- For all groups of which I am a component, insert a -- row in the group_member_index. for map in (select distinct group_id from group_component_map where component_id = v_object_id_one) loop insert into group_element_index (group_id, element_id, rel_id, container_id, rel_type, ancestor_rel_type) values (map.group_id, v_object_id_two, :new.rel_id, v_object_id_one, v_rel_type, 'membership_rel'); if :new.member_state = 'approved' then party_approved_member.add(map.group_id, v_object_id_two, v_rel_type); end if; end loop; end; / show errors create or replace trigger membership_rels_del_tr before delete on membership_rels for each row declare v_error varchar2(4000); begin -- First check if removing this relation would violate any relational constraints v_error := rel_constraint.violation_if_removed(:old.rel_id); if v_error is not null then raise_application_error(-20000,v_error); end if; for map in (select group_id, element_id, rel_type from group_element_index where rel_id = :new.rel_id) loop party_approved_member.remove(map.group_id, map.element_id, map.rel_type); end loop; delete from group_element_index where rel_id = :old.rel_id; end; / show errors; -- New fast version of acs_object_party_privilege_map create or replace view acs_object_party_privilege_map as select c.object_id, pdm.descendant as privilege, pamm.member_id as party_id from acs_object_context_index c, acs_permissions p, acs_privilege_descendant_map pdm, party_approved_member_map pamm where c.ancestor_id = p.object_id and pdm.privilege = p.privilege and pamm.party_id = p.grantee_id; -- Kept to avoid breaking existing code, should eventually go away. create or replace view all_object_party_privilege_map as select * from acs_object_party_privilege_map; create or replace package body acs_permission as procedure grant_permission ( object_id acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, grantee_id acs_permissions.grantee_id%TYPE, privilege acs_permissions.privilege%TYPE ) as begin insert into acs_permissions (object_id, grantee_id, privilege) values (object_id, grantee_id, privilege); exception when dup_val_on_index then return; end grant_permission; -- procedure revoke_permission ( object_id acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, grantee_id acs_permissions.grantee_id%TYPE, privilege acs_permissions.privilege%TYPE ) as begin delete from acs_permissions where object_id = revoke_permission.object_id and grantee_id = revoke_permission.grantee_id and privilege = revoke_permission.privilege; end revoke_permission; function permission_p ( object_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, party_id parties.party_id%TYPE, privilege acs_privileges.privilege%TYPE ) return char as exists_p char(1); begin select decode(count(*),0,'f','t') into exists_p from dual where exists (select 1 from acs_permissions p, party_approved_member_map m, acs_object_context_index c, acs_privilege_descendant_map h where p.object_id = c.ancestor_id and h.descendant = permission_p.privilege and c.object_id = permission_p.object_id and m.member_id = permission_p.party_id and p.privilege = h.privilege and p.grantee_id = m.party_id); return exists_p; end permission_p; end acs_permission; / show errors