select session_id from as_sessions where staff_id = :user_id select session_id from as_sessions where subject_id = :user_id select section_data_id from as_section_data where subject_id = :user_id select section_data_id from as_section_data where staff_id = :user_id select item_data_id from as_item_data where subject_id = :user_id select item_data_id from as_item_data where staff_id = :user_id update as_sessions set staff_id = :to_user_id where staff_id = :from_user_id update as_sessions set subject_id = :to_user_id where subject_id = :from_user_id update as_section_data set subject_id = :to_user_id where subject_id = :from_user_id update as_section_data set staff_id = :to_user_id where staff_id = :from_user_id update as_item_data set subject_id = :to_user_id where subject_id = :from_user_id update as_item_data set staff_id = :to_user_id where staff_id = :from_user_id SELECT crf.folder_id as new_parent_id FROM dotlrn_applets as da, dotlrn_community_applets as dca, cr_folders as crf WHERE da.applet_key='dotlrn_assessment' and dca.applet_id=da.applet_id and dca.community_id=:selected_community and crf.package_id=dca.package_id; update cr_items set parent_id = :new_parent_id where item_id=(select context_id from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id); update acs_objects set context_id = :new_parent_id where object_id = (select context_id from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id) SELECT dca.package_id FROM dotlrn_community_applets as dca, dotlrn_applets as da WHERE da.applet_key='dotlrn_assessment' and dca.applet_id=da.applet_id and dca.community_id=:selected_community update acs_objects set package_id = :package_id where object_id = (select context_id from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id) update acs_objects set package_id =:package_id where object_id in (select object_id from acs_objects where context_id= (select context_id from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id)) SELECT, ao.title, ao.creation_user as creator_id, crr.description, ass.instructions, ass.run_mode, ass.anonymous_p, ass.secure_access_p, ass.reuse_responses_p, ass.show_item_name_p, ass.random_p, ass.entry_page, ass.exit_page, ass.consent_page, ass.return_url, ass.start_time, ass.end_time, ass.number_tries, ass.wait_between_tries, ass.time_for_response, ass.ip_mask, ass.password, ass.show_feedback, ass.section_navigation, ass.survey_p, ass.type FROM acs_objects as ao, cr_items as cri, cr_revisions as crr, as_assessments as ass WHERE ao.object_id=ass.assessment_id and crr.revision_id=ass.assessment_id and cri.item_id=crr.item_id and ass.assessment_id=:object_id SELECT b.object_id as package_id FROM acs_objects as a,acs_objects as b WHERE a.context_id=:selected_community and a.object_type='apm_package' and a.object_id=b.context_id and b.title='Assessment'; SELECT section_id FROM as_assessment_section_map WHERE assessment_id=:object_id SELECT max_time_to_complete, sort_order, points FROM as_assessment_section_map WHERE section_id=:section_id and assessment_id=:object_id INSERT INTO as_assessment_section_map(assessment_id, section_id, max_time_to_complete, sort_order, points) VALUES (:new_assessment_id,:section_id,:max_time_to_complete,:sort_order,:points) update cr_items set parent_id = :trash_id where item_id=(select context_id from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id); update acs_objects set context_id = :trash_id, package_id = :trash_package_id where object_id = (select context_id from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id) update acs_objects set package_id =:trash_package_id where object_id in (select object_id from acs_objects where context_id=(select context_id from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id))