-- -- -- -- @author Jade Rubick (jader@bread.com) -- @creation-date 2004-10-11 -- @arch-tag: b03e1fb8-aee1-4429-b6fd-e3e754a5f30a -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-2.21b1-2.50b1.sql,v 2005/04/30 06:53:08 maltes Exp $ -- -- each time a process is used, it creates an instance of that process -- we use this to allow a user to see overviews of process status, etc.. create sequence pm_process_instance_seq start 1; create table pm_process_instance ( instance_id integer constraint pm_process_instance_id_pk primary key, name varchar(200), process_id integer constraint pm_process_instance_process_fk references pm_process on delete cascade, project_item_id integer constraint pm_process_project_fk references cr_items ); alter table pm_tasks add column process_instance integer constraint pm_tasks_process_instance_fk references pm_process_instance; drop view pm_tasks_active; CREATE view pm_tasks_active as SELECT task_id, task_number, status, process_instance FROM pm_tasks where deleted_p = 'f'; select define_function_args('pm_task__new_task_item', 'project_id, title, description, html_p, end_date, percent_complete, estimated_hours_work, estimated_hours_work_min, estimated_hours_work_max, status_id, process_instance_id, creation_date, creation_user, creation_ip, package_id'); create or replace function pm_task__new_task_item ( integer, -- project_id varchar, -- title varchar, -- description varchar, -- html_p timestamptz, -- end_date numeric, -- percent_complete numeric, -- estimated_hours_work numeric, -- estimated_hours_work_min numeric, -- estimated_hours_work_max, integer, -- status_id integer, -- process_instance_id timestamptz, -- creation_date integer, -- creation_user varchar, -- creation_ip integer -- package_id ) returns integer as ' declare p_project_id alias for $1; p_title alias for $2; p_description alias for $3; p_mime_type alias for $4; p_end_date alias for $5; p_percent_complete alias for $6; p_estimated_hours_work alias for $7; p_estimated_hours_work_min alias for $8; p_estimated_hours_work_max alias for $9; p_status_id alias for $10; p_process_instance_id alias for $11; p_creation_date alias for $12; p_creation_user alias for $13; p_creation_ip alias for $14; p_package_id alias for $15; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_task_number integer; begin select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_id from dual; -- We want to put the task under the project item -- create the task_number v_item_id := content_item__new ( v_id::varchar, -- name p_project_id, -- parent_id v_id, -- item_id null, -- locale now(), -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_package_id, -- context_id p_creation_ip, -- creation_ip ''content_item'', -- item_subtype ''pm_task'', -- content_type p_title, -- title p_description, -- description p_mime_type, -- mime_type null, -- nls_language null -- data ); v_revision_id := content_revision__new ( p_title, -- title p_description, -- description now(), -- publish_date p_mime_type, -- mime_type NULL, -- nls_language NULL, -- data v_item_id, -- item_id NULL, -- revision_id now(), -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_creation_ip -- creation_ip ); PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision (v_revision_id); insert into pm_tasks ( task_id, task_number, status, process_instance) values ( v_item_id, v_task_number, p_status_id, p_process_instance_id); insert into pm_tasks_revisions ( task_revision_id, end_date, percent_complete, estimated_hours_work, estimated_hours_work_min, estimated_hours_work_max, actual_hours_worked) values ( v_revision_id, p_end_date, p_percent_complete, p_estimated_hours_work, p_estimated_hours_work_min, p_estimated_hours_work_max, ''0''); PERFORM acs_permission__grant_permission( v_revision_id, p_creation_user, ''admin'' ); return v_revision_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; alter table pm_process_task add column mime_type varchar(200) constraint pm_process_task_mime_type_fk references cr_mime_types(mime_type) on update no action on delete no action; alter table pm_process_task alter column mime_type set default 'text/plain'; update pm_process_task set mime_type = 'text/plain'; alter table pm_process add column deleted_p char(1); alter table pm_process alter column deleted_p set default 'f'; update pm_process set deleted_p = 'f'; alter table pm_process add constraint pm_process_deleted_p_ck check (deleted_p in ('t','f')); create or replace view pm_process_active as SELECT * FROM pm_process where deleted_p = 'f';