Installing dotLRN - OpenForce

Installing dotLRN

part of dotLRN

Last updated: $Date: 2003/04/09 13:08:40 $

Read the extensive OpenACS installation documentation. Do not download OpenACS 4, however. Download the latest dotLRN distribution from the dotLRN repository. The distribution includes all OpenACS 4 packages needed to install and run dotLRN.

After downloading the dotLRN distribution, follow the OpenACS 4 installation instructions. dotLRN is automatically installed and configured as part of the installation process if you install using a standard dotLRN distribution.

When installation is complete, restart AOLserver as described in the OpenACS installation instructions. You'll need to wait a few minutes while dotLRN configures itself. Reload your browser page. If installation was successful, you'll see a login page. Use the user name and password you entered for the system administrator. A page will come up that includes a link to sitewide administration. Visit the link, then click on the "users" link and then approve the system administrator's dotLRN membership.

Explore dotLRN

Go to dotLRN Administration at http://yourserver/dotlrn/admin. Make some dotLRN users, terms, departments, classes.

Here are some suggestions for things to check out in dotlrn:

Goto /dotlrn your "workspace". Click the "My Account" link at the top and try the "Customize this portal" link there. Goto the admin pages for a class or community and try the "Manage Membership" link. Create a new sugroup for a class or community. Edit or create new "Custom Portlets".