-- added select define_function_args('as_action__default_actions','context_id,creation_user,package_id'); -- -- procedure as_action__default_actions/3 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION as_action__default_actions( new__context_id integer, new__creation_user integer, new__package_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_action_id integer; v_parameter_id integer; BEGIN v_action_id := as_action__new ( null, 'Register User', 'Register new users', 'set password [ad_generate_random_string] db_transaction { array set user_new_info [auth::create_user -username $user_name -email $email -first_names $first_names -last_name $last_name -password $password] } set admin_user_id [as::actions::get_admin_user_id] set administration_name [db_string admin_name "select first_names || '' '' || last_name from persons where person_id = :admin_user_id"] set system_name [ad_system_name] set system_url [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter SystemURL -default ""]. set admin_email [db_string unused "select email from parties where party_id = :admin_user_id"] set message "$first_names $last_name, You have been added as a user to $system_name at $system_url Login information: Email: $email Password: $password (you may change your password after you log in) Thank you, $administration_name" acs_sendmail_lite::send -to_addr "$email" -from_addr "$admin_email" -subject "You have been added as a user to [ad_system_name] at [ad_url]" -body "$message"', new__package_id, new__creation_user, new__package_id ); v_parameter_id:= nextval('as_action_params_parameter_id'); insert into as_action_params (parameter_id, action_id,type, varname, description) values (v_parameter_id,v_action_id,'n','first_names','First Names of the User'); v_parameter_id:= nextval('as_action_params_parameter_id'); insert into as_action_params (parameter_id, action_id,type, varname, description) values (v_parameter_id,v_action_id,'n','last_name','Last Name of the User'); v_parameter_id:= nextval('as_action_params_parameter_id'); insert into as_action_params (parameter_id, action_id,type, varname, description) values (v_parameter_id,v_action_id,'n','email','Email of the User'); v_parameter_id:= nextval('as_action_params_parameter_id'); insert into as_action_params (parameter_id, action_id,type, varname, description) values (v_parameter_id,v_action_id,'n','user_name','User name of the User'); v_action_id:= as_action__new ( null, 'Event Registration', 'Register user to event', 'set user_id [ad_conn user_id] events::registration::new -event_id $event_id -user_id $user_id', new__package_id, new__creation_user, new__package_id ); v_parameter_id:= nextval('as_action_params_parameter_id'); insert into as_action_params (parameter_id, action_id,type, varname, description,query) values (v_parameter_id,v_action_id,'q','event_id','Event to add the user', 'select event_id,event_id from acs_events'); v_action_id:= as_action__new ( null, 'Add to Community', 'Add user to a community', 'set user_id [ad_conn user_id] if { [exists_and_not_null subject_id] } { set user_id $subject_id } dotlrn_privacy::set_user_guest_p -user_id $user_id -value "t" dotlrn::user_add -can_browse -user_id $user_id dotlrn_community::add_user_to_community -community_id $community_id -user_id $user_id set community_name [db_string get_community_name { select pretty_name from dotlrn_communities where community_id = :community_id}] set subject "Your $community_name membership has been approved" set message "Your $community_name membership has been approved. Please return to [ad_url] to log into [ad_system_name]." set email_from [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter SystemOwner] db_1row select_user_info { select email, first_names, last_name from registered_users where user_id = :user_id} if [catch {acs_mail_lite::send -to_addr $email -from_addr $email_from -subject $subject -body $message} errmsg] { ad_return_error \ "Error sending mail" \ "There was an error sending email to $email." }', new__package_id, new__creation_user, new__package_id ); v_parameter_id:= nextval('as_action_params_parameter_id'); insert into as_action_params (parameter_id, action_id,type, varname, description,query) values (v_parameter_id,v_action_id,'q','community_id','Community to add the user', 'select pretty_name,community_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id in (select object_id from acs_permissions_all where grantee_id=:user_id)'); return v_action_id; END; $$ language 'plpgsql';