-- @author Peter Marklund -- Change the lang_messages_audit table to have a new integer primary key column create sequence lang_messages_audit_id_seq; alter table lang_messages_audit add column audit_id integer; alter table lang_messages_audit drop constraint lang_messages_audit_pk; create function inline_0() returns integer as ' declare v_rec record; v_next_id integer; begin for v_rec in select message_key, package_key, locale, overwrite_date from lang_messages_audit order by overwrite_date loop select nextval(''lang_messages_audit_id_seq''::text) into v_next_id; update lang_messages_audit set audit_id = v_next_id where message_key = v_rec.message_key and package_key = v_rec.package_key and locale = v_rec.locale and overwrite_date = v_rec.overwrite_date; end loop; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0(); drop function inline_0(); alter table lang_messages_audit alter column audit_id set not null; alter table lang_messages_audit add constraint lang_messages_audit_pk primary key (audit_id); insert into ad_locales (locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory, nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p) values ('hu_HU', 'Hungarian (HU)', 'hu ', 'HU', 'HUNGARIAN', 'HUNGARY', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'ISO-8859-2', 't', 'f'); insert into ad_locales (locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory, nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p) values ('FA_IR', 'Farsi', 'FA ', 'IR', 'AMERICAN', 'ALGERIAN', 'AL24UTFFSS', 'windows-1256', 't', 'f'); insert into ad_locales (locale, label, language, country, nls_language, nls_territory, nls_charset, mime_charset, default_p, enabled_p) values ('RO_RO', 'Romainian', 'RO ', 'RO', 'ROMAINIAN', 'ROMAINIA', 'EE8ISO8859P2', 'UTF-8', 't', 'f');