%myvars; ]> Using HTML Forms Overview Multi-part Elements Some elements have more than one choice, or can submit more than one value. SELECT elements Creating the form element Populate a list of lists with values for the option list. set foo_options [db_list_of_lists foo_option_list " select foo, foo_id from foos "] The variable foo_options should resemble {{first foo} 1234} {{second foo} 1235} Within ad_form, set up the element to use this list: {foo:text(select) {label "Which Foo"} {options $foo_options} } This will result in a single name/value pair coming back in the submitted form. Handle this within the same ad_form structure, in the -new_data and -edit_data. In the example, it is available as $foo See also the W3C spec for "The SELECT, OPTGROUP, and OPTION elements". ($Id: form-builder.xml,v 2003/12/16 19:51:58 jeffd Exp $)