manager = $manager; $this->_uid = md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } /** * Did we save a file? * @return int 1 if the file was saved sucessfully, * 0 no save operation, -1 file save error. */ function isFileSaved() { Return $this->filesaved; } /** * Process the image, if not action, just display the image. * @return array with image information, empty array if not an image. * array('src'=>'url of the image', 'dimensions'=>'width="xx" height="yy"', * 'file'=>'image file, relative', 'fullpath'=>'full path to the image'); */ function processImage() { if(isset($_GET['img'])) $relative = rawurldecode($_GET['img']); else Return array(); //$relative = '/Series2004NoteFront.jpg'; $imgURL = $this->manager->getFileURL($relative); $fullpath = $this->manager->getFullPath($relative); $imgInfo = @getImageSize($fullpath); if(!is_array($imgInfo)) Return array(); $action = $this->getAction(); if(!is_null($action)) { $image = $this->processAction($action, $relative, $fullpath); } else { $image['src'] = $imgURL; $image['dimensions'] = $imgInfo[3]; $image['file'] = $relative; $image['fullpath'] = $fullpath; $image['filesize'] = @filesize($fullpath); } Return $image; } /** * Process the actions, crop, scale(resize), rotate, flip, and save. * When ever an action is performed, the result is save into a * temporary image file, see createUnique on the filename specs. * It does not return the saved file, alway returning the tmp file. * @param string $action, should be 'crop', 'scale', 'rotate','flip', or 'save' * @param string $relative the relative image filename * @param string $fullpath the fullpath to the image file * @return array with image information * array('src'=>'url of the image', 'dimensions'=>'width="xx" height="yy"', * 'file'=>'image file, relative', 'fullpath'=>'full path to the image'); */ function processAction($action, $relative, $fullpath) { $params = ''; if(isset($_GET['params'])) $params = $_GET['params']; $values = explode(',',$params); $saveFile = $this->getSaveFileName($values[0]); $img = Image_Transform::factory(IMAGE_CLASS); $img->load($fullpath); if ( is_callable( array($img,'paletteToTrueColorWithTransparency')) && !imageistruecolor($img->imageHandle)) { $img->paletteToTrueColorWithTransparency(); } switch ($action) { case 'crop': $img->crop(intval($values[0]),intval($values[1]), intval($values[2]),intval($values[3])); break; case 'scale': $img->resize(intval($values[0]),intval($values[1])); break; case 'rotate': $img->rotate(floatval($values[0])); break; case 'flip': if ($values[0] == 'hoz') $img->flip(true); else if($values[0] == 'ver') $img->flip(false); break; case 'save': if(!is_null($saveFile)) { $quality = intval($values[1]); if($quality <0) $quality = 85; $newSaveFile = $this->makeRelative($relative, $saveFile); $newSaveFile = $this->getUniqueFilename($newSaveFile); //get unique filename just returns the filename, so //we need to make the relative path once more. $newSaveFile = $this->makeRelative($relative, $newSaveFile); $image['saveFile'] = $newSaveFile; $newSaveFullpath = $this->manager->getFullPath($newSaveFile); if ( $values[0] == 'gif' && is_callable(array($img, 'preserveTransparencyForPalette'))) { $img->preserveTransparencyForPalette(); } $img->save($newSaveFullpath, $values[0], $quality); if(is_file($newSaveFullpath)) $this->filesaved = 1; else $this->filesaved = -1; } break; case 'preview': $quality = intval($values[1]); $image['file'] = $relative; $image['fullpath'] = $fullpath; //create the tmp image file $filename = $this->createUnique($fullpath); $newRelative = $this->makeRelative($relative, $filename); $newFullpath = $this->manager->getFullPath($newRelative); $newURL = $this->manager->getFileURL($newRelative); if ( $values[0] == 'gif' && is_callable(array($img, 'preserveTransparencyForPalette'))) { $img->preserveTransparencyForPalette(); } $img->save($newFullpath, $values[0] ); $img->free(); //get the image information $imgInfo = @getimagesize($newFullpath); $image['src'] = $newURL; $image['width'] = $imgInfo[0]; $image['height'] = $imgInfo[1]; $image['dimensions'] = $imgInfo[3]; $image['file'] = $relative; $image['fullpath'] = $fullpath; $image['filesize'] = @filesize($newFullpath); Return $image; break; } //create the tmp image file $filename = $this->createUnique($fullpath); $newRelative = $this->makeRelative($relative, $filename); $newFullpath = $this->manager->getFullPath($newRelative); $newURL = $this->manager->getFileURL($newRelative); //save the file. $img->save($newFullpath, 'png' ); $img->free(); //get the image information $imgInfo = @getimagesize($newFullpath); $image['src'] = $newURL; $image['width'] = $imgInfo[0]; $image['height'] = $imgInfo[1]; $image['dimensions'] = $imgInfo[3]; $image['file'] = $newRelative; $image['fullpath'] = $newFullpath; $image['filesize'] = @filesize($newFullpath); $image['type'] = image_type_to_mime_type($imgInfo[2]); Return $image; } /** * Get the file name base on the save name * and the save type. * @param string $type image type, 'jpeg', 'png', or 'gif' * @return string the filename according to save type */ function getSaveFileName($type) { if(!isset($_GET['file'])) Return null; $filename = Files::escape(rawurldecode($_GET['file'])); $index = strrpos($filename,'.'); $base = substr($filename,0,$index); $ext = strtolower(substr($filename,$index+1,strlen($filename))); if($type == 'jpeg' && !($ext=='jpeg' || $ext=='jpg')) { Return $base.'.jpeg'; } if($type=='png' && $ext != 'png') Return $base.'.png'; if($type=='gif' && $ext != 'gif') Return $base.'.gif'; // Ensure type is in acceptable image types $valid_extensions = $this->manager->config['allowed_image_extensions']; if(!in_array($ext, $valid_extensions)) { return $base . ".".strtolower($type ? $type : 'jpg'); } Return $filename; } /** * Get the default save file name, used by editor.php. * @return string a suggestive filename, this should be unique */ function getDefaultSaveFile() { if(isset($_GET['img'])) $relative = rawurldecode($_GET['img']); else Return null; Return $this->getUniqueFilename($relative); } /** * Get a unique filename. If the file exists, the filename * base is appended with an increasing integer. * @param string $relative the relative filename to the base_dir * @return string a unique filename in the current path */ function getUniqueFilename($relative) { $fullpath = $this->manager->getFullPath($relative); $pathinfo = pathinfo($fullpath); $path = Files::fixPath($pathinfo['dirname']); $file = Files::escape($pathinfo['basename']); $filename = $file; $dotIndex = strrpos($file, '.'); $ext = ''; if(is_int($dotIndex)) { $ext = substr($file, $dotIndex); $base = substr($file, 0, $dotIndex); } $counter = 0; while(is_file($path.$filename)) { $counter++; $filename = $base.'_'.$counter.$ext; } Return $filename; } /** * Specifiy the original relative path, a new filename * and return the new filename with relative path. * i.e. $pathA (-filename) + $file * @param string $pathA the relative file * @param string $file the new filename * @return string relative path with the new filename */ function makeRelative($pathA, $file) { $index = strrpos($pathA,'/'); if(!is_int($index)) Return $file; $path = substr($pathA, 0, $index); Return Files::fixPath($path).$file; } /** * Get the action GET parameter * @return string action parameter */ function getAction() { $action = null; if(isset($_GET['action'])) $action = $_GET['action']; Return $action; } /** * Generate a unique string based on md5(microtime()). * Well not so uniqe, as it is limited to 6 characters * @return string unique string. */ function uniqueStr() { return substr(md5(microtime()),0,6); } /** * Create unique tmp image file name. * The filename is based on the tmp file prefix * specified in plus * the UID (basically a md5 of the remote IP) * and some random 6 character string. * This function also calls to clean up the tmp files. * @param string $file the fullpath to a file * @return string a unique filename for that path * NOTE: it only returns the filename, path no included. */ function createUnique($file) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); $path = Files::fixPath($pathinfo['dirname']); $imgType = $this->getImageType($file); $unique_str = $this->manager->getTmpPrefix().$this->_uid.'_'.$this->uniqueStr().".".$imgType; //make sure the the unique temp file does not exists while (file_exists($path.$unique_str)) { $unique_str = $this->manager->getTmpPrefix().$this->_uid.'_'.$this->uniqueStr().".".$imgType; } $this->cleanUp($path,$pathinfo['basename']); Return $unique_str; } /** * Delete any tmp image files. * @param string $path the full path * where the clean should take place. */ function cleanUp($path,$file) { $path = Files::fixPath($path); if(!is_dir($path)) Return false; $d = @dir($path); $tmp = $this->manager->getTmpPrefix(); $tmpLen = strlen($tmp); $prefix = $tmp.$this->_uid; $len = strlen($prefix); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { //echo $entry."
"; if(is_file($path.$entry) && $this->manager->isTmpFile($entry)) { if(substr($entry,0,$len)==$prefix && $entry != $file) Files::delFile($path.$entry); else if(substr($entry,0,$tmpLen)==$tmp && $entry != $file) { if(filemtime($path.$entry)+$this->lapse_time < time()) Files::delFile($path.$entry); } } } $d->close(); } /** * Get the image type base on an image file. * @param string $file the full path to the image file. * @return string of either 'gif', 'jpeg', 'png' or 'bmp' * otherwise it will return null. */ function getImageType($file) { $imageInfo = @getImageSize($file); if(!is_array($imageInfo)) Return null; switch($imageInfo[2]) { case 1: Return 'gif'; case 2: Return 'jpeg'; case 3: Return 'png'; case 6: Return 'bmp'; } Return null; } /** * Check if the specified image can be edit by GD * mainly to check that GD can read and save GIFs * @return int 0 if it is not a GIF file, 1 is GIF is editable, -1 if not editable. */ function isGDEditable() { if(isset($_GET['img'])) $relative = rawurldecode($_GET['img']); else Return 0; if(IMAGE_CLASS != 'GD') Return 0; $fullpath = $this->manager->getFullPath($relative); $type = $this->getImageType($fullpath); if($type != 'gif') Return 0; if(function_exists('ImageCreateFrom'.$type) && function_exists('image'.$type)) Return 1; else Return -1; } /** * Check if GIF can be edit by GD. * @return int 0 if it is not using the GD library, 1 is GIF is editable, -1 if not editable. */ function isGDGIFAble() { if(IMAGE_CLASS != 'GD') Return 0; if(function_exists('ImageCreateFromGif') && function_exists('imagegif')) Return 1; else Return -1; } } ?>