// Default configuration file for the htmlArea, HtmlTidy plugin // By Adam Wright, for The University of Western Australia // // Evertything you always wanted to know about HTML Tidy * // can be found at http://tidy.sourceforge.net/, and a // quick reference to the configuration options exists at // http://tidy.sourceforge.net/docs/quickref.html // // * But were afraid to ask // // Distributed under the same terms as HTMLArea itself. // This notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt). word-2000: yes clean: yes drop-font-tags: no doctype: auto drop-empty-paras: yes drop-proprietary-attributes: yes enclose-block-text: yes enclose-text: yes escape-cdata: yes logical-emphasis: yes indent: auto indent-spaces: 2 break-before-br: yes output-xhtml: yes force-output: yes