select im.isshared from ims_cp_manifests im where im.man_id = (select live_revision from cr_items where item_id = :version_id) select item_id from cr_revisions cr, ims_cp_files f, ims_cp_resources r where f.res_id=r.res_id and r.man_id=:man_id and cr.revision_id=f.file_id o select cr.item_id from cr_revisions cr, ims_cp_items i, ims_cp_items_to_resources ir, ims_cp_resources r where r.man_id=:man_id and r.res_id=ir.res_id and i.ims_item_id=ir.ims_item_id and cr.revision_id=i.ims_item_id delete from ims_cp_items_map where ims_item_id in (select revision_id from cr_revisions where item_id=:item_id) select item_id from cr_revisions, ims_cp_resources where revision_id=res_id and man_id=:man_id delete from lorsm_cmi_core where man_id=:man_id delete from lorsm_student_track where course_id = :man_id select item_id from cr_revisions, ims_cp_organizations where revision_id=org_id and man_id=:man_id delete from ims_cp_items_map where org_id in (select revision_id from cr_revisions where item_id=:org_item_id) delete from ims_cp_manifest_class where man_id=:man_id select file_id from ims_cp_files where file_id = :file_id and res_id = :res_id select object_type, title from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id select object_type, title from acs_objects where object_id=:object_id