--set serveroutput on size 200000 create or replace function tmp_fs_name_duplicate ( varchar ) returns integer as ' declare v_name alias for $1; --cr_items.name%TYPE v_count integer; v_insert_pos integer; begin v_insert_pos := instr(v_name,''.'',-1)-1; if v_insert_pos = -1 then return v_name || ''.'' || v_count; else return substr(v_name,1,v_insert_pos) || ''.'' || v_count || substr(v_name,v_insert_pos+1); end if; end;' language 'plpgsql'; --show errors -- This script assumes it will be run once on all files and not broken -- up into chunks. The order by clause plays a critical role in the -- script logics attempt to avoid name collisions. create or replace function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare v_count integer; v_prev_parent_id integer; v_prev_title cr_items.name%TYPE; v_new_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_item_row RECORD; begin v_count := 1; v_prev_parent_id := 0; v_prev_title := ''''; for v_item_row in select r.item_id, r.revision_id, r.title, i.name, i.live_revision, i.parent_id from cr_items i, cr_revisions r where i.item_id=r.item_id and i.live_revision=r.revision_id and i.content_type=''file_storage_object'' order by parent_id, title, revision_id loop update cr_revisions set title=v_item_row.name where revision_id=v_item_row.revision_id; if v_item_row.parent_id = v_prev_parent_id and v_item_row.title = v_prev_title then --Name collision: change file.ext to file.n.ext v_count := v_count + 1; v_new_name := select tmp_fs_name_duplicate(v_item_row.title,v_count); update cr_items set name = v_new_name where item_id=v_item_row.item_id; raise notice ''%'',v_new_name; else update cr_items set name = v_item_row.title where item_id=v_item_row.item_id; v_count := 1; v_prev_parent_id := v_item_row.parent_id; v_prev_title := v_item_row.title; end if; end loop; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0(); drop function inline_0(); drop function tmp_fs_name_duplicate(varchar);