postgresql7.1 select acs_object__name(:object_id) as object_name select ca.attribute_id, ca.attribute,, can.help_text, caom.required_p, caom.sort_order, cw.description as widget_description from contact_attribute_object_map caom, contact_attributes ca left join contact_attribute_names can on (can.attribute_id = ca.attribute_id), contact_widgets cw where caom.attribute_id = ca.attribute_id and cw.widget_id = ca.widget_id and can.locale = :locale and not ca.depreciated_p and caom.object_id = :object_id order by caom.sort_order asc select ca.attribute_id, ca.attribute,, can.help_text, cw.description as widget_description from contact_attributes ca left join contact_attribute_names can on (can.attribute_id = ca.attribute_id), contact_widgets cw where cw.widget_id = ca.widget_id and can.locale = :locale and not ca.depreciated_p and ca.attribute_id not in ( select attribute_id from contact_attribute_object_map where object_id = :object_id) order by upper( asc