select publish_status from cr_items where item_id=:assessment_id
-- group sections with item_counts, then select those sections with 0 items
select title
from (select asm.section_id, count(ism.as_item_id) as count, cr.title
from cr_items i, cr_revisions cr, as_assessment_section_map asm left join as_item_section_map ism using (section_id)
where i.item_id=:assessment_id
and asm.assessment_id=i.latest_revision
and cr.revision_id = asm.section_id
group by asm.section_id, cr.title) item_counts
where count = 0
update cr_items set publish_status = (case when publish_status is null or publish_status <> 'live' then 'live' else null end) where item_id=:assessment_id