{/doc/acs-content-repository {Content Repository}} {Package: content_folder} Package: content_folder


Content Repository : content_folder



Content folders contain related content items and allow content managers to group content as they see fit. Within a content folder, content items must have unique names since this is where they will be served from. For example within the folder "movies" (served from "/movies") all items must have unique names, such as: "terminator," "terminator2" (served from "/movies/terminator, "/movies/terminator2" respectively).


Related Objects

See also: Content Item



Returns the item ID of the index page of the folder, null otherwise

Author:Michael Pih
Returns:The item ID of the index page
folder_id The:  folder id

function get_index_page (
  folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
) return cr_items.item_id%TYPE;


Returns the label for the folder. This function is the default name method for the folder object.

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:The folder's label
folder_id:  The folder id

function get_label (
  folder_id in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
) return cr_folders.label%TYPE;

See Also:acs_object_type.create_type, the docs for the name_method parameter


Determine if the folder is empty

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:'t' if the folder contains no subfolders or items, 'f' otherwise
folder_id:  The folder id

function is_empty (
  folder_id  in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
) return varchar2;

See Also:content_folder.is_folder


Determine if the item is a folder

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:'t' if the item is a folder, 'f' otherwise
item_id:  The item id

function is_folder (
  item_id         in cr_items.item_id%TYPE
) return char;

See Also:content_folder.new, content_folder.is_sub_folder


change this to is_type_registered Determines if a content type is registered to the folder Only items of the registered type(s) may be added to the folder.

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:'t' if the type is registered to this folder, 'f' otherwise
folder_id:  The folder id
content_type:  The content type to be checked
include_subtypes:  If 't', all subtypes of the content_type will be checked, returning 't' if all of them are registered. If 'f', only an exact match with content_type will be performed.

function is_registered (
  folder_id             in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
  content_type          in cr_folder_type_map.content_type%TYPE,
  include_subtypes      in varchar2 default 'f'
) return varchar2;

See Also:content_folder.register_content_type, content_folder.unregister_content_type,


Determine if the item target_folder_id is a subfolder of the item folder_id

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:'t' if the item target_folder_id is a subfolder of the item folder_id, 'f' otherwise
folder_id:  The superfolder id
target_folder_id:  The subfolder id

function is_sub_folder (
  folder_id             in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
  target_folder_id      in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE
) return char;

See Also:content_folder.is_folder


Create a new folder

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:The id of the newly created folder
label:  The label for the folder
description:  A short description of the folder, 4000 characters maximum
parent_id:  The parent of the folder
folder_id:  The id of the new folder. A new id will be allocated by default
revision_id:  The id of the new revision. A new id will be allocated by default
creation_date:  As in acs_object.new
creation_ip:  As in acs_object.new
creation_user:  As in acs_object.new

function new (
  name          in cr_items.name%TYPE,
  label         in cr_folders.label%TYPE,
  description   in cr_folders.description%TYPE default null,
  parent_id     in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null,
  folder_id     in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE default null,
  creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE
                           default sysdate,
  creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE
                           default null,
  creation_ip   in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null
) return cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE;

See Also:acs_object.new, content_item.new


Recursively copy the folder and all items in into a new location. An error is thrown if either of the parameters is not a folder. The root folder of the sitemap and the root folder of the templates cannot be copied

Author:Karl Goldstein
folder_id:  The id of the folder to copy
target_folder_id:  The destination folder

procedure copy (
  folder_id             in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
  target_folder_id      in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE

See Also:content_folder.new, content_folder.copy


Delete a folder. An error is thrown if the folder is not empty

Author:Karl Goldstein
folder_id:  The id of the folder to delete

procedure delete (
  folder_id     in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE

See Also:acs_object.delete, content_item.delete


Recursively move the folder and all items in into a new location. An error is thrown if either of the parameters is not a folder. The root folder of the sitemap and the root folder of the templates cannot be moved.

Author:Karl Goldstein
folder_id:  The id of the folder to move
target_folder_id:  The destination folder

procedure move (
  folder_id             in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
  target_folder_id      in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE

See Also:content_folder.new, content_folder.copy


Register a content type to the folder, if it is not already registered. Only items of the registered type(s) may be added to the folder.

Author:Karl Goldstein
folder_id:  The folder id
content_type:  The content type to be registered

procedure register_content_type (
  folder_id             in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
  content_type          in cr_folder_type_map.content_type%TYPE,
  include_subtypes      in varchar2 default 'f'

See Also:content_folder.unregister_content_type, content_folder.is_registered


Change the name, label and/or description of the folder

Author:Karl Goldstein
folder_id:  The id of the folder to modify
name:  The new name for the folder. An error will be thrown if an item with this name already exists under this folder's parent. If this parameter is null, the old name will be preserved
label:  The new label for the folder. The old label will be preserved if this parameter is null
label:  The new description for the folder. The old description will be preserved if this parameter is null

procedure rename (
  folder_id      in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
  name           in cr_items.name%TYPE default null,
  label          in cr_folders.label%TYPE default null,
  description    in cr_folders.description%TYPE default null

See Also:content_folder.new


Unregister a content type from the folder, if it has been registered. Only items of the registered type(s) may be added to the folder. If the folder already contains items of the type to be unregistered, the items remain in the folder.

Author:Karl Goldstein
folder_id:  The folder id
content_type:  The content type to be unregistered
include_subtypes:  If 't', all subtypes of content_type will be unregistered as well

procedure unregister_content_type (
  folder_id             in cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE,
  content_type          in cr_folder_type_map.content_type%TYPE,
  include_subtypes      in varchar2 default 'f'

See Also:content_folder.register_content_type, content_folder.is_registered


Last Modified: $Id: folder.html,v 1.2 2004/06/01 22:54:18 donb Exp $