OpenACS Version 5.9.1

Release of OpenACS 5.9.1:

This is the announcement of the release of the OpenACS 5.9.1.  This
release contains many security and performance improvements and
includes new functionalities.

The release of OpenACS 5.9.1 contains the 88 packages of the oacs-5-9
branch.  These packages include the OpenACS core packages, the major
application packages (e.g. most the ones used on, and
DotLRN 2.9.1.

The quanitative summary of the changes since the release of
OpenACS 5.9.0 is as follows:

    3548 files changed, 113292 insertions(+), 90507 deletions(-)

contributed by 5 committers (Michael Aram, Gustaf Neumann, Antonio
Pisano, Hector Romojaro, Thomas Renner) and 8 patch/bugfix providers
(Frank Bergmann, Günter Ernst, Brian Fenton, Felix Mödritscher, Marcus
Moser, Franz Penz, Stefan Sobernig, Michael Steigman). All packages of
the release were tested with PostgreSQL 9.6.* and Tcl 8.5.*.

Below is a short summary of the changes in this release. For details,
consult the changelog of the release.

Refactoring of rich-text editor integration

   - Driving force: Debian packaging (e.g. js minified code is not
   - Moved out code from acs-templating, provided interfaces to add
     many different richtext editors as separate packages
   - New OpenACS packages:
      *  richtext-xinha
      *  richtext-tinymce
      *  richtext-ckeditor4 (has ability to choose between CDN and
         local installation via web interface)

Improving admin interface

   - New theme manager:
      * Goals:
           + Make it easier to keep track of themes with local
           + Make it easier to create local modification a new
	     themes and to update these
           + Show differences between default theme parameter (in DB)
             and actual settings (in subsite parameters)
           + Allow to delete unused themes
           + Give site admin hints, which theme is used at which
           + Ease theme switching
      * Added a subsite::theme_changed callback to be able to handle
        theme changes in custom themes (was also necessary for proper
        integration with DotLRN theming)
      * Added support for these features under subsite admin (/admin/)
        Improved support for themed templates via
   - Improved (broken) interface to define/manage groups over web
   - Allow to send as well mail, when membership was rejected
   - New functions [membership_rel::get_user_id],
     [membership_rel::get] and [membership_rel::get_group_id] to
     avoid code duplication
   - Added support to let user include %forgotten_password_url%
     in self-registration emails (e.g. in message key
   - Improved subsite/www/members
      * Make it possible to manage members of arbitrary groups
      * Improved performance for large groups
      * Improved configurability: when ShowMembersListTo is set to
        "3", show list to members only, when this is not the whole
   - Improved user interface for /admin/applications for large number
     of applications 
   - Various fixes for sitewide-admin pages (under /acs-admin)
   - Update blueprint in "install from repository"
     (currently just working in NaviServer)


   - Further cleanup of .xql files (like what as done for acs-subsite
     in OpenACS 5.9.0): 
      * 36 files deleted
      * Removed more than 100 obsolete named queries
      * Stripped misleading SQL statements

   - Marked redundant / uncalled sql functions as deprecated
   - Replaced usages of obsolete view "all_object_party_privilege_map"
     by "acs_object_party_privilege_map"

   - Removed type discrepancy introduced in 2002:
      * acs_object_types.object_type has type varchar(1000), while
      * acs_object_types.supertype has type varchar(100)
      * ... several more data types are involved, using
        acs_object_types.object_type as foreign key

   - Simplified core sql functions by using defaults:
      * Number of functions reduced by a factor of 2 compared to
        OpenACS 5.9.0 (while providing compatibility for clients using 
	old versions),
      * Reduced code redundancy
        Affected functions:
         +  Reduced content_item__new from 12 versions to 6,
         +  Reduce content_revision__new from 7 to 4
         +  Similar in image__new, image__new_revision,
            content_item__copy, content_item__get_title,
         + PostgreSQL 9.5 supports named parameter in the same syntax
           as in Oracle. Further reduction of variants will be
           possible, once OpenACS requires at least PostgreSQL 9.5

   - Reduced usage of deprecated versions of SQL functions
     (mostly content repository calls)
   - Reduced generation of dead tuples by combining multiple DML
     statements to one (reduces costs of checkpoint cleanups in

   - Permission queries:
      * Improved performance
      * Support PACKAGE.FUNCTION notation for PostgreSQL to allow
        calls permission queries exactly the same way as in Oracle
       (e.g. "acs_permission.permission_p()"). This helps to reduce the
       number of postgres specific .xql files.
   - Modernize SQL:
       * Use real Boolean types instead of character(1)
         (done for new-portal, forums, faq, attachments, categories,
	 dotlrn, dotlrn-forums, evaluation)
       * Use real enumeration types rather than check constraints
         (done for storage_type text/file/lob)

CR hygienics (reduce cr bloat)

   - Provided means to avoid insert/update/delete operations in the
     search queue:

     OpenACS adds for every new revision often multiple entries to the
     search_queue, without providing any means to prevent this. This
     requires for busy sites very short intervals between queue sweeps
     (otherwise too many entries pile up). Another consequence is that
     this behavior keeps the PostgreSQL auto-vacuum daemons
     permanently active. Many of these operations are useless in cases
     where the content repository is used for content that should not
     be provided via search. The changed behavior should honors a
     publish-date set to the future, since it will not add any content
     with future publish dates to the search-queue. 

   - Reduced number of insert cr_child_rels operations, just when needed:

     cr_child_rels provide only little benefit (allow to use roles in
     a child-rel), but the common operation is a well available in
     cr_items via the parent_id. cr_child_rels do not help for
     recursive queries either. One option would be to add an
     additional argument for content_item__new to omit child-rel
     creation (default is old behavior) and adapt the other cases. 

Security improvements

   - Added support against [[CSRF]] (cross site request forgery)
      * OpenACS maintains a per-request CSRF token that ensures that
        form replies are coming just from sites that received the form
      * CSRF support is optional for packages where CSRF is less
        dangerous, and such requests are wanted (e.g. search and

   - Added Support for W3C "Upgrade-Insecure-Headers"
     For standard compliant upgrade for requests from HTTP to HTTPS

   - Added support for W3C "Subresource Integrity" (SRI; see 

   - Added support for W3C "Content Security Policy"
     ([[CSP]]; see
      * Removed "javascript:*" links (all such urls are removed from
        the 90 packages in oacs-5-9, excluding js libraries
        (ajaxhelper) and richtext code)
      * Removed "onclick", "onfocus", "onblur", "onchange" handlers
        from all .adp and .tcl files in the 90 packages in oacs-5-9 
	(excluding js libraries (ajaxhelper) and richtext code)
      * Added optional nonces to all <script> elements with literal
        JavaScript content 

   - Removed "generic downloader", which allowed to download arbitrary
     content items, when item_id was known (bug-fix)
   - Improved protection against XSS and SQL-injection (strengthen
     page contracts, add validators, added page_contract_filter
     "localurl", improve HTML escaping, and URI encoding)
   - Fixed for potential traversal attack (acs-api-documentation-procs)

Improvements for "host-node mapped" subsites

   - Fixed links from host-node mapped subsite pages to swa-functions
     (must be always on main subsite) 
   - Made "util_current_directory" aware of host-node-mapped subsites
   - Added ability to pass "-cookie_domain" to make it possible to use
     the same cookie for different domains 
   - Fixed result of affected commands "util_current_location",
     "ad_return_url", "ad_get_login_url" and "ad_get_logout_url" for
     HTTP and HTTPS, when UseHostnameDomainforReg is 0 or 1.
   - Improved UI for host-node maps when a large number of site nodes

Reform of acs-rels

   - Made acs-rels configurable to give the developer the option to
     specify, whether these are composable or not (default fully
     backward compatible). This is required to control transitivity in
   - The code changes are based on a patch provided by Michael
     Steigmann. For details, see:

Improved status code handlers for AJAX scenarios

   - Don't report data source errors with status code 200
     (use 422 instead)
   - Let "permission::require_permission" return forbidden (403) in
     AJAX calls (determined via [ad_conn ajaxp]) 

Improved Internationalization

   - Extended language catalogs for
      * Russian (thanks to v v)
      * Italian (thanks to Antonio Pisano)
      * Spanish (thanks to Hector Romojaro)
      * German (thanks to Markus Moser)

   - Added (missing) message keys
   - Improved wording of entries
   - Added message keys for member_state changes, provide API via

Improved online documentation (/doc)

   - Fixed many broken links
   - Removed fully obsolete sections
   - Improved markup (modernize HTML)
   - Updated various sections

Misc code improvements:

   - 18 issues from the OpenACS-bug-tracker fixed
   - Made code more robust against invalid/incorrect input
     (page_contracts, validators, values obtained from header fields
     such as Accept-Language)
   - Fixed quoting of message keys on many places
   - Improved exception handling (often, a "catch" swallows to much,
     e.g. script_aborts), introducing "ad_exception". 

   - Generalized handling of leading zeros:
      * Fixed cases where leading zeros could lead to unwanted octal
      * Switch to use of " util::trim_leading_zeros" instead of
        "template::util::leadingTrim", "dt_trim_leading_zeros" and
        "template::util::leadingTrim", marked the latter as deprecated

   - URL encoding
      * "ad_urlencode_folder_path": new function to perform an
         urlencode operation on the segments of the provided folder
      * "export_vars": encode path always correctly, except
         no_base_encode is specified 
      * Fixed encoding of the URL path in "ad_returnredirect"

   - Improvements for "ad_conn":
      * Added [ad_conn behind_proxy_p] to check, whether the request
        is coming from behind a proxy server
      * Added [ad_conn behind_secure_proxy_p] to check, whether the
        request is coming from behind a secure proxy server
      * Added [ad_conn ajax_p] to check, whether the request is an
        AJAX requests (assumption: AJAX request sets header-field
	Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest")
      * Added [ad_conn vhost_url] to obtain the url of
        host-node-mapped subsites 

   - Added various missing upgrade scripts (missing since many years)
     of changes that were implemented for new installs to reduce
     differences between "new"-and "old" (upgraded) installations 

   - Templating
      * Get rid of various pesky "MISSING FORMWIDGET:
        ...formbutton:ok" messages 
      * Improved support for javascript event handlers in template::head
      * New functions "template::add_event_listener" and
      * Fix handling, when "page_size_variable_p" is set (was broken
        since ages) 

   - Improved location and URL handling:
      * Refactored and commented "util_current_location" to address
        security issues, handle IPv6 addresses, IP literal notation,
        multiple drivers,  
      * Improved "security::get_secure_location" (align with documentation)

      * New functions:
         + "util::configured_location"
         + "util::join_location", "util::split_location"
        for working on HTTP locations to reduce scattered regexps
        handling URL components 
      * Improved IPv6 support
      * Use native "ns_parseurl" when available, provide backward
        compatible version for AOLserver 

   - MIME types:
      * Added more Open XML formats for MS-Office to allowed content types
      * Modernized entries to IANA recommendations
      * New function "cr_check_mime_type" centralizing the retrieval
        of the mime_type from uploaded content 

   - Finalized cleanup of permissions (started in OpenACS 5.9.0):
     Get rid of "acs_object_context_index " (and therefore on
     acs_object_party_privilege_map " as well) on PostgreSQL.
       * huge table,
       * expensive maintenance, used only in a few places,

   - Misc new functions:
      * "lang::util::message_key_regexp": factor out scattered regexp
         for detecting message keys
      * "ns_md5" and "ns_parseurl": improve compatibility between
        AOLserver and NaviServer 
      * "ad_dom_sanitize_html": allow to specify different sets of
        tags, attributes and protocols and "ad_dom_fix_html", which is a
        light weight tidy variant.

   - Improved HTML rendering (acs-api-browser), provide width and
     height to speed up rendering 
   - Improved ADP files (e.g. missing doc(title))
   - Added usage of "ad_include_contract" on more occasions
   - Modernize Tcl and HTML coding
   - Reduced dependency on external programs (use Tcl functions instead)
   - Improved robustness of "file delete" operations all over the code
   - Improved documentation, fix demo pages
   - Aligned usages of log notification levels (distinction between
     "error", "warning" and "notice") with coding-standards

   - Cleaned up deprecated calls:
      * Removed usage of deprecated API functions
       (e.g. "cc_lookup_email_user",
        "cc_email_from_party", "util_unlist", ...)
      * Moved more deprecated procs to acs-outdated
      * Marked remaining (and unused) "cc_*" functions as well as

   - Improved Oracle and windows support
   - Fixed common spelling errors and standardize spelling of product
     names all over the code (comments, documentation, ...)
   - Many more small bug fixes


   - New Package Parameters
      * acs-kernel:
         + MaxUrlLength: remove hard-coded constant in request
           processor for max accepted url paths 
         + SecureSessionCookie: Let site admin determine, whether or
           not to use secured session cookies (useful, when not all
           requests are over HTTPS) 
         + CSPEnabledP: activate/deactivate CSP

      * acs-kernel (recommended to be set via config file in section
         + NsShutdownWithNonZeroExitCode: tell NaviServer to return
           with a non-zero return code to cause restart (important under
         + LogIncludeUserId: include user_id in access log

      * acs-api-browser:
         + ValidateCSRFP: make checking of CSRF optional (default 1)

      * acs-content-repository:
         + AllowMimeTypeCreationP: Decides whether we allow unknown
           mime types to be automatically registered (default: 0} 

      * news-portlet:
         + display_item_lead_p: Should we display news leads in the
           portlet? (default 0) 

      * search:
         + ValidateCSRFP: make checking of CSRF optional (default 1)

      * xotcl-request-monitor:
         + do_track_activity: turn activity monitoring on or off (default 0)

   - New OpenACS packages:
      * richtext-xinha
      * richtext-tinymce
      * richtext-ckeditor4 (has ability to choose between CDN and
        local installation via Web interface) 
      * openacs-bootstrap3-theme (as used on
      * dotlrn-bootstrap3-theme

   - xotcl-core:
      * Improved XOTcl 2.0 and NX support (e.g. api-browser)
      * Added "-debug", "-deprecated" to ad_* defined methods
        (such as e.g. "ad_instproc")
      * Make use of explicit "create" statements when creating
        XOTcl/NX objects (makes it easier to grab intentions and to
        detect typos) 
      * Added parameter to "get_instance_from_db" to specify, whether
        the loaded objects should be initialized 
      * Added support for PostgreSQL prepared statements of SQL
        interface in ::xo::dc (nsdb driver) 

   - xowiki:
      * Named all web-callable methods www-NAME (to make it clear,
        what is called, what has to be checked especially carefully) 
      * Moved templates from www into xowiki/resources to avoid naming
      * Improved ckeditor support
      * Added usage of prepared statements for common queries
      * Improved error handling
      * Better value checking for query parameter, error reporting via
      * Added option "-path_encode" to methods "pretty_link" and
       "folder_path" to allow to control, whether the result should be
        encoded or not (default true)  

      * Form fields:
         + Improved repeatable form fields (esp. composite cases),
           don't require preallocation (can be costly in composite
         + Added signing of form-fields
         + Added HTML5 attributes such as "multiple" (for "file") or
         + Fixed generation of "orderby" attribute based on form-field
         + richtext: allow to specify "extraAllowedContent" via options
         + Improved layout of horizontal check boxes

      * Menu bar:
         + Added dropzone (requires bootstrap): drag and drop file
         + Added mode toggle (requires bootstrap)
         + Extended default policies for handling e.g. dropzone
           (file-upload method) 
         + Distinguish between "startpage" (menu.Package.Startpage)
           and "table of contents" (menu.Package.Toc) 

      * Notifications:
         + Added support for better tailorable notifications:
           introduced method "notification_render" (similar to
         + Added support for tailorable subject lines (method

      * Improved bootstrap support, use "bootstrap" as
      * Switched to ckeditor4 as PreferredRichtextEditor
      * Improved handling of script-abort from within the payload of
        ::xowiki::Object payloads 
      * Added parameter to "get_all_children" to specify, whether the
        child objects should be initialized 

   - xowf:
      * Added property "payload" to "WorkflowConstruct" in order to
        simplify customized workflow "allocate" actions 
      * Internationalized more menu buttons

   - xotcl-request-monitor
      *  Added class "BanUser" (use. e.g. ip address to disallow
         requests from a user via request monitor) 
      *  Added support for optional user tracking in database
      *  Added support for monitoring response-time for certain urls
         via munin 
      *  Increased usage of XOTcl 2.0 variable resolver (potentially
         speed improvement 4x) 
      *  Performed some refactoring of response-time handling to allow
         site-admin to make e.g. use of NaviServer's dynamic
         connection pool management (not included in CVS) 
      *  Added support for partial times in long-calls.tcl to ease
         interpretation of unexpected slow calls 
      *  last100.tcl: Don't report hrefs to URLs, except to SWAs

   - chat:
      * Introduced new options to set chat rooms so login and/or
        logout message are not issued every time a user enters/exits a
       chat-room (important for chats with huge number of participants) 
      *  Parameterized viewing of chat-logs
      *  Fixed cases of over-/under-quoting
      *  Fixed JavaScript for IE, where innerHTML can cause problems

   - file-storage:
      * Don't show action keys, when user has no permissions
      * Added support for copying of same-named files into a folder
        (adding suffix) 
      * Fixed old bugs in connection with "views" package