#! /usr/local/bin/perl # aolserver-errors.pl # # prints out the errors from an AOLserver error log # # dvr@arsdigita.com, 11/27/99 # # USAGE: # # aolserver-errors -<num_bytes>b <log_file_location> # # print all errors found in the last <num_bytes> of # the error log. # # aolserver-errors -<num_minutes>m <log_file_location> # # print all errors logged in the last <num_minutes> # minutes # # # If called with no options, it will default to # # aolserver-errors -200000b <log_file_location> # # ############################################################# # # Modification History: # # 1/1/2000 -- Removed reliance on the POSIX module and got the # <num_minutes> parameter working correctly. # # 1/15/2000 -- replaced all calls to 'tail` with seek() calls # to improve portability. This also allows us to compile this script # with perlcc to create a single binary that should work under # a chroot'ed server. # # 2/01/2000 -- fixed a bug that caused trouble the first of every # month. (Now the problem happens only on the first of each year) # # 5/12/2000 -- mbryzek@arsdigita.com # Added exit at end of script to kill the thread $num_args = scalar @ARGV; # the number of bytes to read from the end of the file when # we're trying to find all errors in the last N minutes. $bite_size = 200000; # The default size for the -<num_bytes>b parameter $default_num_bytes = 200000; %month_num = ('Jan', '00', 'Feb', '01', 'Mar', '02', 'Apr', '03', 'May', '04', 'Jun', '05', 'Jul', '06', 'Aug', '07', 'Sep', '08', 'Oct', '09', 'Nov', '10', 'Dec', '11'); foreach $arg_num (0 .. ($num_args - 2)) { $arg = $ARGV[$arg_num]; if ($arg =~ /\-([0-9]+)([A-Za-z])/) { ($number, $type) = ($1, lc($2)); if ($type eq 'b') { $num_bytes = $number; } elsif ($type eq 'm') { $num_minutes = $number; } else { die "Bad option: $arg\n"; } } else { die "Bad option: $arg\n"; } } $log_file = $ARGV[-1]; open LOG, "< $log_file"; if ($num_minutes) { $start_time = sprintf "%02d%02d%02d%02d", (localtime(time - (60*$num_minutes)))[4,3,2,1]; seek LOG, -$bite_size, 2; $search_from = tell(LOG); while (1) { while (<LOG>) { # Don't search past where we got to last time, rewind to # where we started and leave (next iter will go back # another chunk) if (defined $search_to) { if (tell(LOG) >= $search_to) { seek LOG, -$bite_size, 1; last; } } if (/^\[([0-9]+)\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/) { my($day, $month_name, $year, $hour, $minute) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); $log_time = $month_num{$month_name} . $day . $hour . $minute; if ($log_time lt $start_time) { # We've gone too far back. Advance until we find # an error that's on or past $start_time $last_position = tell LOG; while (<LOG>) { if (/^\[([0-9]+)\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/) { my($day, $month_name, $year, $hour, $minute) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); $log_time = $month_num{$month_name} . $day . $hour . $minute; if ($start_time le $log_time) { $starting_point = $last_position; last; } } $last_position = tell LOG; } # Either we've found the line we want or have reached # the end of the file. If it's the second case, we # need to set the starting point to the end of the file. $starting_point = $last_position unless $starting_point; } else { # We found a dated entry but we need to go further # back. Go back from where we started from last # time, to avoid infinite loop where the whole # $bite_size doesn't have any dates $rewind = (tell(LOG) - $search_from); # how far to rewind to get back to search_from seek LOG, -$rewind, 1; } # We only need to get one time stamp last; } } last if defined $starting_point; $search_to = tell(LOG); # don't bother searching after where we are now seek LOG, -$bite_size, 1; $search_from = tell(LOG); if ($search_from < $bite_size) { # then we need to read the entire file $starting_point = 0; last; } } } if (defined $starting_point) { seek LOG, $starting_point, 0; } else { $num_bytes = $default_num_bytes unless $num_bytes; seek LOG, -$num_bytes, 2; } $in_error = 0; $in_following_notice = 0; while (<LOG>) { if (/^\[(.*?)\]\[(.*?)\][^ ]? (.*)/) { ($time, undef, $message) = ($1, $2, $3); unless ($first_log_time) { ($first_log_time) = ($time =~ /^([^ ]+)/); print "Errors since $first_log_time\n"; } if ($message =~ /^Error/) { print "\n[$time]\n $message\n"; $in_error = 1; $in_following_notice = 0; } elsif ($message =~ /^Notice/) { if ($in_error == 1) { $in_following_notice = 1; } else { $in_following_notice = 0; } $in_error = 0; print " $message\n" if $in_following_notice; } else { $in_error = 0; $in_following_notice = 0; } } else { print " $_" if ($in_error or $in_following_notice); } } close LOG; exit(0);