-- -- File Storage NonVersioned (Simple) Objects -- -- This is to get away from the CR pain when dealing with file-storage of -- "other" objects -- -- @author Ben Adida (ben@openforce) -- @creation-date 01 April 2002 -- @cvs-id $Id: file-storage-simple-create.sql,v 2002/07/25 18:47:14 rmello Exp $ -- -- Non-versioned objects create table fs_simple_objects ( object_id integer constraint fs_simp_obj_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) constraint fs_simple_objects_pk primary key, folder_id integer constraint fs_simp_folder_id_fk references cr_folders, name varchar(250) not null, description varchar(4000) ); create index fs_so_folder_id_idx on fs_simple_objects (folder_id); create table fs_urls ( url_id integer constraint fs_url_url_id_fk references fs_simple_objects(object_id) constraint fs_urls_pk primary key, url varchar(250) not null ); begin -- stuff for non-versioned file-storage objects acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', object_type => 'fs_simple_object', pretty_name => 'File Storage Simple Object', pretty_plural => 'File Storage Simple Objects', table_name => 'fs_simple_objects', id_column => 'object_id', name_method => 'fs_simple_object.name' ); -- links acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'fs_simple_object', object_type => 'fs_url', pretty_name => 'File Storage URL', pretty_plural => 'File Storage URLs', table_name => 'fs_urls', id_column => 'url_id' ); end; / show errors;