-- -- packages/acs-i18n/sql/language-create.sql -- -- @author Jeff Davis (davis@xarg.net) -- @creation-date 2000-09-10 -- @cvs-id $Id: message-catalog.sql,v 2002/07/25 18:46:47 rmello Exp $ -- create table lang_messages ( key varchar2(200), lang char(2) not null, message clob, registered_p char(1) constraint lm_tranlated_p_tf check(registered_p in ('t','f')), constraint lang_messages_pk primary key (key, lang) ); -- **************************************************************************** -- * The lang_translate_columns table holds the columns that require translation. -- * It is needed to generate the user interface for translating the web site. -- * Note that we register on_what_column itself for translation. -- **************************************************************************** create table lang_translate_columns ( column_id integer primary key, -- cant do references on user_tables cause oracle sucks on_which_table varchar2(50), on_what_column varchar2(50), -- -- whether all entries in a column must be translated for the -- site to function. -- -- probably ultimately need something more sophisticated than -- simply required_p -- required_p char(1) constraint ltc_required_p_tf check(required_p in ('t','f')), -- -- flag for whether to use the lang_translations table for content -- or add a row in the on_which_table table with the translated content. -- short_p char(1) constraint ltc_short_p_tf check(short_p in ('t','f')), constraint ltc_u unique (on_which_table, on_what_column) ); -- **************************************************************************** -- * The lang_translation_registry table identifies a row as requiring translation -- * to a given language. This should identify the parent table not the broken-apart -- * child table. -- **************************************************************************** create table lang_translation_registry ( on_which_table varchar(50), on_what_id integer not null, locale constraint ltr_locale_ref references ad_locales(locale), -- -- should have dependency info here -- constraint lang_translation_registry_pk primary key(on_what_id, on_which_table, locale) );