<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Generated by the OpenACS Package Manager -->

<package key="sms" url="http://openacs.org/repository/apm/packages/sms" type="apm_application">
    <version name="0.2d1" url="http://openacs.org/repository/download/apm/sms-0.2d1.apm">
        <owner url="mailto:malte@openacs.de">Malte Sussdorff</owner>
        <summary>SMS is a package to send out an SMS to a mobile number. It includes parameters for handling various sets of gateways.</summary>

        <provides url="sms" version="0.2d1"/>

            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="DefaultGateway"  description="If the recipient System supports multiple Gateways, which is the default gateway"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="DefaultSender"  description="Default phone number to be used for sending of the SMS if the user sending the SMS does not have a mobile number of the MobilePhoneAttribute is not defined"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="GatewayName"  description="Name for the gateway field on the gateway's site" section_name="Mappings"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="LoginID"  description="Login ID used to access the Gateway"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="LoginIDName"  description="Name for the login_id field on the gateway's site" section_name="Mappings"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="MobilePhoneAttribute"  description="Name of the acs attribute which holds the mobile phone number. Mainly used in conjunction with Contacts. Note: Only fill this out if &quot;contacts&quot; is installed" section_name="Contacts"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="MobilePhoneName"  description="Name for the mobile_phone_number field on the gateway's site" section_name="Mappings"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="Password"  description="Password used for accessing the SMS Gateway"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="PasswordName"  description="Name for the password field on the gateway's site" section_name="Mappings"/>
            <parameter datatype="number"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="Prefix"  description="International Dial Prefix to be used in front of the international dial code. E.g. &quot;00&quot; in Germany and &quot;011&quot; in the US."/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="SenderName"  description="Name for the sender field on the gateway's site" section_name="Mappings"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="SMSGatewayURL"  description="URL of the SMS Gateway. This should contain placeholders for the variable %login_id%, %password%, %gateway%, %smstext% and %mobile_phone%"/>
            <parameter datatype="string"  min_n_values="1"  max_n_values="1"  name="SMSTextName"  description="Name for the smstext field on the gateway's site" section_name="Mappings"/>
