-- -- packages/places/sql/places-create.sql -- -- @author jmileham@arsdigita.com -- @creation-date 2000-11-27 -- @cvs-id $Id: places-core-create.sql,v 2001/04/20 20:51:21 donb Exp $ -- ------------------ -- PLACES TABLE -- ------------------ create table places ( place_id not null constraint places_place_id_fk references acs_objects (object_id) constraint places_pk primary key, latitude number(9,6), longitude number(9,6) ); -------------------------------- -- SUBPLACE AND LOCATION RELS -- -------------------------------- create table subplace_rels ( rel_id constraint subplace_rel_rel_id_fk references acs_rels (rel_id) constraint subplace_rel_rel_id_pk primary key ); create table location_rels ( rel_id constraint location_rel_rel_id_fk references acs_rels (rel_id) constraint location_rel_rel_id_pk primary key, use_context varchar2(30), sort_key integer not null ); -- NOTE: the subplace_rels and location_rels tables have triggers defined -- at the end of this file. -------------------- -- KNOWLEDGE LEVEL - -------------------- begin -- -- Place: an object representing a location -- Defining the object_type up here so we can use it in our relations -- acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'acs_object', object_type=> 'place', pretty_name => 'Place', pretty_plural => 'Places', table_name => 'places', id_column => 'place_id', package_name => 'place' ); -- -- Subplace Relationship -- (transitive, to put places inside larger places) -- acs_rel_type.create_role('superplace'); acs_rel_type.create_role('subplace'); acs_rel_type.create_type ( rel_type => 'subplace_rel', pretty_name => 'Subplace Relation', pretty_plural => 'Subplace Relationships', table_name => 'subplace_rels', id_column => 'rel_id', package_name => 'subplace_rel', object_type_one => 'place', role_one => 'superplace', min_n_rels_one => 0, max_n_rels_one => null, object_type_two => 'place', role_two => 'subplace', min_n_rels_two => 0, max_n_rels_two => 1 ); -- -- Location Relationship -- (not transitive, to assign places to objects) -- acs_rel_type.create_role ('location'); -- Yes, locatee is a real word, in the Oxford English Dictionary -- though this is the first time (that I know of) that it has -- been used to refer to an object instead of a person. acs_rel_type.create_role ('locatee'); acs_rel_type.create_type ( rel_type => 'location_rel', pretty_name => 'Location Relation', pretty_plural => 'Location Relationships', table_name => 'location_rels', id_column => 'rel_id', package_name => 'location_rel', object_type_one => 'place', role_one => 'location', min_n_rels_one => 0, max_n_rels_one => null, object_type_two => 'acs_object', role_two => 'locatee', min_n_rels_two => 0, max_n_rels_two => null ); commit; end; / show errors -- We add a callback so that addresses can maintain the -- pl_address_superplace_index denormalization when the -- subplace_rels API is used. create table place_types ( place_type constraint pt_place_type_fk references acs_object_types(object_type) constraint pt_place_type_pk primary key, -- see comment below callback_set_superplace varchar(100) ); comment on table place_types is ' This table holds additional knowledge level attributes for the place type and its subtypes. The way this metadata is currently used, these attributes are not "inherited" by subtypes. You have to insert a row for each place_type if you want any of the attributes to have non-null values. For example, if you subtype pl_address, then you must insert a row for your subtype in place_types, otherwise your subtype will not have a value for ''callback_set_superplace'', so instances of your subtype will not behave the way addresses do. Soon, we''ll have an API for creating place_types so that this table can be hidden from or ignored by developers. '; comment on column place_types.callback_set_superplace is ' This column stores the name of a pl/sql procedure to call whenever subplace_rels.new or subplace_rels.delete is used to set or clear the superplace of a place of type ''place_type''. For example, see pl_address.denormalize_superplaces \ Note that the the callback is automatically used for the subtypes of ''place_type'' unless a callback has explicitly been set for the subtype. In other words, for a given place type, the callback that will be used is determined by finding the closest ancestor place type that has a non-null value for ''callback_set_superplace''. This behavior resembles method inheritance. '; ------------------------- -- PLACE ELEMENT INDEX -- ------------------------- -- This table is a denormalization for performance when answering -- questions like "what are all the places in country X?" or -- "what are all the objects located in MA?" -- DO NOT READ OR WRITE TO THIS TABLE DIRECTLY -- This maps any object to all places it is an element of. -- Including both subplace and location relationships. create table place_element_index ( place_id not null constraint place_element_index_plc_id_fk references places (place_id), element_id not null constraint place_element_index_elem_id_fk references acs_objects (object_id), rel_id not null constraint place_element_index_rel_id_fk references acs_rels (rel_id), container_id not null constraint place_element_index_cont_id_fk references places (place_id), subplace_p char(1) not null constraint place_elem_index_comp_p_ck check (subplace_p in ('t','f')), constraint place_element_index_pk primary key (element_id, place_id, rel_id) ) organization index; ------------------- -- WRAPPER VIEWS -- ------------------- -- The big momma view create or replace view place_element_map as select place_id, element_id, rel_id, container_id, subplace_p from place_element_index; -- Just the subplaces: create or replace view place_subplace_map as select place_id, element_id as subplace_id, rel_id, container_id from place_element_map where subplace_p = 't'; -- Just the locations: create or replace view place_locatee_map as select place_id, element_id as locatee_id, rel_id, container_id from place_element_map where subplace_p = 'f'; -- This view is the same as place_locatee_map, including some extra -- columns from location_rels. create or replace view place_locatee_map_complete as select plm.place_id, plm.locatee_id, plm.rel_id, plm.container_id, lr.use_context, lr.sort_key from place_locatee_map plm, location_rels lr where plm.rel_id = lr.rel_id; -------------------------- -- SUBPLACE REL PACKAGE -- -------------------------- create or replace package subplace_rel as function new ( rel_id in subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null, rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'subplace_rel', object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE; function move ( subplace_id in place_subplace_map.subplace_id%TYPE, place_id_old in place_subplace_map.place_id%TYPE, place_id_new in place_subplace_map.place_id%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE; function violation ( place_id in place_subplace_map.place_id%TYPE, subplace_id in place_subplace_map.subplace_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; procedure delete ( rel_id in subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE ); procedure execute_callback ( --/** -- Run the set_superplace callback that is appropriate for the place_type -- -- @param place_id The place whose superplace is being set. -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra (oumi@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2001-03-19 -- --*/ place_id in places.place_id%TYPE ); end subplace_rel; / show errors create or replace package body subplace_rel as function new ( rel_id in subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null, rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'subplace_rel', object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE is v_rel_id integer; begin v_rel_id := acs_rel.new ( rel_id => rel_id, rel_type => rel_type, object_id_one => object_id_one, object_id_two => object_id_two, context_id => object_id_one, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip ); insert into subplace_rels (rel_id) values (v_rel_id); return v_rel_id; end new; function move ( subplace_id in place_subplace_map.subplace_id%TYPE, place_id_old in place_subplace_map.place_id%TYPE, place_id_new in place_subplace_map.place_id%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE is rel_id_old subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE; v_rel_id integer; cursor rel_id_c is select rel_id from place_subplace_map psm where subplace_id = move.subplace_id and container_id = move.place_id_old and container_id = place_id; begin open rel_id_c; fetch rel_id_c into rel_id_old; if not rel_id_c%NOTFOUND then if place_id_old = place_id_new then return rel_id_old; end if; subplace_rel.delete(rel_id_old); end if; close rel_id_c; if place_id_new is not null then v_rel_id := subplace_rel.new(object_id_one => place_id_new, object_id_two => subplace_id, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip); end if; return v_rel_id; end move; function violation ( place_id in place_subplace_map.place_id%TYPE, subplace_id in place_subplace_map.subplace_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is subplace_p char(1); complaint varchar2(4000) null; begin -- Check if we've got a subplace_rel (be it direct or -- indirect) between place and subplace: select decode(count(*),0,'n','y') into subplace_p from place_subplace_map psm where psm.place_id = violation.place_id and psm.subplace_id = violation.subplace_id; -- and if we don't, complain: if subplace_p = 'n' then complaint := acs_object.name(subplace_id)||' is not within '||acs_object.name(place_id)||'.'; end if; return complaint; end violation; procedure delete ( rel_id in subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE ) is begin -- delete from subplace_rels -- where rel_id = subplace_rel.delete.rel_id; -- Handled by the acs_object.delete proc acs_object.delete(rel_id); end delete; procedure execute_callback ( --/** -- Run the set_superplace callback that is appropriate for the place_type -- -- @param place_id The place whose superplace is being set. -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra (oumi@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2001-03-19 -- --*/ place_id in places.place_id%TYPE ) is begin for r in (select subplace_id as place_id, callback_set_superplace from (select place_id, subplace_id from place_subplace_map where place_id = execute_callback.place_id union all select execute_callback.place_id, execute_callback.place_id as subplace_id from dual) psm, acs_objects ao, place_types pt where subplace_id = ao.object_id and ao.object_type = pt.place_type and pt.callback_set_superplace is not null) loop execute immediate 'begin ' || r.callback_set_superplace || '(:place_id); end;' using in r.place_id; end loop; end execute_callback; end subplace_rel; / show errors -------------------------- -- LOCATION REL PACKAGE -- -------------------------- create or replace package location_rel as -- Instead of providing access to sort_key, .new takes a -- before_rel_id parameter. If null, the new rel's sort_key -- will have a value greater than all other sort_keys associated -- with object_id_two (defaulting it to last). If not null, -- location_rel.new causes the new rel's sort_key to have a -- value lower than that of the rel specified by before_rel_id. function new ( rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null, rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'location_rel', object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, use_context in location_rels.use_context%TYPE default null, before_rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null ) return location_rels.rel_id%TYPE; procedure swap_sort ( rel_id_one in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE, rel_id_two in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE ); function move ( locatee_id in place_locatee_map.locatee_id%TYPE, place_id_old in place_locatee_map.place_id%TYPE, place_id_new in place_locatee_map.place_id%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return location_rels.rel_id%TYPE; procedure delete ( rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE ); end location_rel; / show errors create or replace package body location_rel as function new ( rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null, rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'location_rel', object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, use_context in location_rels.use_context%TYPE default null, before_rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null ) return location_rels.rel_id%TYPE is v_rel_id integer; begin v_rel_id := acs_rel.new ( rel_id => rel_id, rel_type => rel_type, object_id_one => object_id_one, object_id_two => object_id_two, context_id => object_id_two, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip ); if new.before_rel_id is not null then -- If the rel_id doesn't exist that we're trying to insert -- before, bail out 'cause the application logic screwed -- up (non-explicit bail out - this will just cause -- a DB error if it isn't there) and shift all of the lower -- rows down to allow our new relation to take the -- target_sort_key: update location_rels lr set sort_key = sort_key + 1 where sort_key >= (select sort_key from location_rels where rel_id = new.before_rel_id) and exists (select 1 from acs_rels where rel_id = lr.rel_id and object_id_two = new.object_id_two); -- And we're ready to insert into our newly created hole: insert into location_rels (rel_id, use_context, sort_key) select new.v_rel_id, new.use_context, (sort_key - 1) from location_rels where rel_id = new.before_rel_id; else -- If we're just inserting at the end of the list, we -- need a max. Trust me... using a sequence would make -- the inserting sorting and/or deleting logic very hairy -- and inefficient. Actually, a select max of a small subset -- of the rows (likely in the vicinity of 1-5%) in a table -- is reasonably low-overhead... Certainly worth the ugliness -- and uncertainty that would be caused by having to increment -- the sequence every time, even if we don't use it. (OK -- if performance demands it, we'll change that down the -- line, it won't change API anyway). -- Note: may need to index location_rels on -- (object_id_two, sort_key) to make this extra-speedy. insert into location_rels (rel_id, use_context, sort_key) select new.v_rel_id, new.use_context, nvl(max(sort_key) + 1, 1) from location_rels where object_id_two = new.object_id_two; end if; return v_rel_id; end new; procedure swap_sort ( rel_id_one in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE, rel_id_two in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE ) is begin -- The exists clause verifies that we're swapping two rels -- associated with the same object (otherwise the swap would -- be meaningless and dangerous to swap key uniqueness and -- integrity within an object). If the swap is illegal, it -- will fail silently, but that's ok, cause it would take -- a big ol' bug in an application to try something like this -- in the first place. update location_rels lr1 set sort_key = (select sort_key from location_rels lr2 where lr1.rel_id = decode(lr2.rel_id, swap_sort.rel_id_one, swap_sort.rel_id_two, swap_sort.rel_id_two, swap_sort.rel_id_one)) where rel_id in (swap_sort.rel_id_one, swap_sort.rel_id_two) and exists(select 1 from acs_rels ar1, acs_rels ar2 where ar1.rel_id = swap_sort.rel_id_one and ar2.rel_id = swap_sort.rel_id_two and ar1.object_id_two = ar2.object_id_two); end swap_sort; function move ( locatee_id in place_locatee_map.locatee_id%TYPE, place_id_old in place_locatee_map.place_id%TYPE, place_id_new in place_locatee_map.place_id%TYPE, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return location_rels.rel_id%TYPE is rel_id_old location_rels.rel_id%TYPE; v_rel_id integer; cursor rel_id_c is select rel_id from place_locatee_map plm where place_id = move.place_id_old and container_id = place_id and locatee_id = move.locatee_id; begin open rel_id_c; fetch rel_id_c into rel_id_old; if not rel_id_c%NOTFOUND then if place_id_old = place_id_new then return rel_id_old; end if; location_rel.delete(rel_id_old); end if; close rel_id_c; if place_id_new is not null then v_rel_id := location_rel.new(object_id_one => place_id_new, object_id_two => locatee_id, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip); end if; return v_rel_id; end move; procedure delete ( rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE ) is begin -- delete from location_rels -- where rel_id = location_rel.delete.rel_id; -- Handled by acs_object.delete acs_object.delete(rel_id); end delete; end location_rel; / show errors ------------------- -- PLACE PACKAGE -- ------------------- create or replace package place as function new ( place_id in places.place_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'place', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, latitude in places.latitude%TYPE default null, longitude in places.longitude%TYPE default null, superplace_id in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE default null, locatee_id in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE default null, use_context in location_rels.use_context%TYPE default null, before_rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null ) return places.place_id%TYPE; procedure delete ( place_id in places.place_id%TYPE ); end place; / show errors create or replace package body place as function new ( place_id in places.place_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'place', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, latitude in places.latitude%TYPE default null, longitude in places.longitude%TYPE default null, superplace_id in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE default null, locatee_id in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE default null, use_context in location_rels.use_context%TYPE default null, before_rel_id in location_rels.rel_id%TYPE default null ) return places.place_id%TYPE is v_place_id places.place_id%TYPE; v_rel_id subplace_rels.rel_id%TYPE; begin v_place_id := acs_object.new ( object_id => place_id, object_type => object_type, creation_date => creation_date, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip, context_id => context_id ); insert into places (place_id, latitude, longitude) values (v_place_id, latitude, longitude); -- Note that wse don't allow the user -- to specify rel_types and stuff -- here. If they want to get fancy, -- they can create the place and then -- associate it in a seperate step. -- This handles the most common use-case, -- though... where the user wants to create -- a place as a subplace of another and doesn't -- care too much about the metadata associated -- with it. if superplace_id is not null then v_rel_id := subplace_rel.new( object_id_one => superplace_id, object_id_two => v_place_id, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip ); end if; -- Location relationship is a little fancier, so -- we let them specify a use_context and a before_rel_id -- if they so choose. if locatee_id is not null then v_rel_id := location_rel.new( object_id_one => v_place_id, object_id_two => locatee_id, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip, use_context => use_context, before_rel_id => before_rel_id); end if; return v_place_id; end new; procedure delete ( place_id in places.place_id%TYPE ) is begin -- First delete any subplace rels for which this place is object two -- i.e. the subplace for map in (select * from place_subplace_map where subplace_id = place.delete.place_id and place_id = container_id) loop subplace_rel.delete(map.rel_id); end loop; acs_object.delete(place_id); end delete; end place; / show errors ----------------------------------- -- SUBPLACE_RELS INSERT TRIGGERS -- ----------------------------------- create or replace trigger subplace_rels_in_tr after insert on subplace_rels for each row declare v_object_id_one acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE; v_object_id_two acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE; begin select object_id_one, object_id_two into v_object_id_one, v_object_id_two from acs_rels where rel_id = :new.rel_id; -- extend any relations between the subplace and it's children to the place and all of its -- ancestors insert into place_element_index (place_id, element_id, rel_id, container_id, subplace_p) select super.place_id, sub.element_id, sub.rel_id, sub.container_id, sub.subplace_p from (select place_id from place_subplace_map where subplace_id = v_object_id_one union select v_object_id_one as place_id from dual) super, (select element_id, rel_id, container_id, subplace_p from place_element_map where place_id = v_object_id_two union select v_object_id_two as element_id, :new.rel_id as rel_id, v_object_id_one as container_id, 't' as subplace_p from dual) sub; subplace_rel.execute_callback(v_object_id_two); end subplace_rels_in_tr; / show errors ---------------------------------- -- SUBPLACE_RELS DELETE TRIGGER -- ---------------------------------- create or replace trigger subplace_rels_del_tr before delete on subplace_rels for each row declare v_object_id_one acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE; v_object_id_two acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE; begin select object_id_one, object_id_two into v_object_id_one, v_object_id_two from acs_rels where rel_id = :old.rel_id; delete from place_element_index where element_id in (select element_id from place_element_map where place_id = v_object_id_one) and place_id in (select place_id from place_element_map where element_id = v_object_id_two); subplace_rel.execute_callback(v_object_id_two); end subplace_rels_del_tr; / show errors ----------------------------- -- LOCATION INSERT TRIGGER -- ----------------------------- create or replace trigger location_rels_in_tr after insert on location_rels for each row declare v_object_id_one acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE; v_object_id_two acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE; begin select object_id_one, object_id_two into v_object_id_one, v_object_id_two from acs_rels where rel_id = :new.rel_id; -- Insert a row in the place_element_index insert into place_element_index (place_id, element_id, rel_id, container_id, subplace_p) values (v_object_id_one, v_object_id_two, :new.rel_id, v_object_id_one, 'f'); -- For all places that my newly defined "location" is a subplace of, -- insert a row in place_element_index for map in (select distinct place_id from place_subplace_map where subplace_id = v_object_id_one) loop insert into place_element_index (place_id, element_id, rel_id, container_id, subplace_p) values (map.place_id, v_object_id_two, :new.rel_id, v_object_id_one, 'f'); end loop; end location_rels_in_tr; / show errors ----------------------------- -- LOCATION DELETE TRIGGER -- ----------------------------- create or replace trigger location_rels_del_tr before delete on location_rels for each row begin delete from place_element_index where rel_id = :old.rel_id; end location_rels_del_tr; / show errors;