Places Requirements

by John Mileham and Oumi Mehrotra

I. Introduction

This document lays out the requirements for an ACS service for uniquely identifying geographic locations.

II. Vision Statement

There are many situations where an address or location needs to mean more to a web service than a few text fields and a ZIP code. Providing a standard mechanism for storing this information in a readily accessible format allows for applications such as geo-centric bboards, dealer locators, and regional usage statistics to be developed quickly and easily. The places service also meets the need to internationalize the representation of geographic locations by supporting but not requiring arbitrary country-specific levels of organization, such as ZIP codes and states in the US.

III. System/Application Overview

The places service provides a storage mechanism for physical places, in addition to a standard data set of countries and US states. The places system also provides an API for adding places and place types, assigning places to ACS objects, and answering essential questions about place-object associations (i.e. determining the location of any ACS object in the database that has been assigned one).

IV. Use-cases and User-scenarios

A typical use for the places service would be the address book application, which makes use of places to store physical addresses. In a geocentric bboard, forums could be created and associated with any place, be it a country, state, or any implementation-specific place-type. ZIP code searches could be performed easily as every place in the database may carry latitude/longitude values. As an added benefit of latitude/longitude support of all places, radius searches could be performed with less specific data (such as a state or country). There are internationalization benefits as well. This system allows for radius searches to be carried out in countries that may not have a postal code system (or in a country with an entirely seperate postal code system), though the latitude/longitude data and new place types for the applicable places would, no doubt, need to be added by the implementor of such a system through the API provided by the places service.

Competitive Analysis

In ACS 3.x, there was no ACS-global representation of a physical location or an address. The places service allows many applications to access and edit this information in a standard way, sharing and reusing geographic data. Modeling the concept that places exist within other places allows us to verify integrity of address information before inserting it into the database (e.g. "New Jersey is not in France. Please go back and correct this error."). This system adds concrete semantic value to data that would traditionally be stored in an application specific table containing hard-references to ACS geo tables. The creation of a storage system where ACS "understands" the data it is keeping track of will allow us to apply the data in countless ways in the future.

V. Related Links

VI.A Requirements: Data Model

10.0 Place Identification

A place must have the following attributes:

12.0 Aggregate Places

Places may be related to each other to represent containment. That is, one place may be entirely contained by any other place. The integrity of this relationship must be automatically maintained through all data changes.

13.0 Integration with ACS Object Model

The Places package must integrate with the ACS Object Model.

15.0 Predefined Place Types

The system must define a few standard place types, including country, state/province, and address. This does not mean that runtime place type definitions will be restricted.

VI.B Requirements: Data

20.0 A data set of all countries and US states

The service will contain all countries, US states and Canadian provinces to allow for creation of basic UI elements such as state dropdown boxes for dependant applications. In future, this may also include a large number of cities and their lattitudes and longitudes to enable geographic searching etc.

VI.B Requirements: API

30.0 Answer the question "What places is object X directly associated with?"

31.0 Answer the question "What places is object X indirectly associated with?"

35.0 Answer the question "What objects are associated with place X?"

40.0 Creation of place types

An API must exist to allow for creation of new place types (e.g. continents) not specified by default in the distribution.

50.0 Creation of places

Application programmers must be able to add places to the places system as we can not guarantee knowledge of all cities in the world, etc.

60.0 Assign a place to an object (via location relationship)

65.0 Consistency check

Places must provide the ability to check place containment up the hierarchy before insert (e.g. rejecting creation of an address that attempts to place itself in New Jersey, France).

70.0 Provide ACS 3.x style API for place interaction

Though there are many benefits of the hierarchical representation of place information, views and place-creation API should be provided to allow application programmers to make use of the places service without worrying about its internal structure.

80.0 Efficiency

Since applications may ask the questions outlined in 30.0-35.0 frequently, and there may be heavy demand for place attributes (such as latitude/longitude in the case of radius searches), the data model must support the efficient storage and retrieval of place attributes and containment.

VII. Revision History

Document Revision # Action Taken, Notes When? By Whom?
0.1 Creation 11/08/2000 John Mileham
0.2 Clarified 11/22/2000 John Mileham
0.3 Rewritten 11/27/2000 John Mileham (w/ significant input from Oumi Mehrotra)
0.4 Revised 11/29/2000 John Mileham and Oumi Mehrotra
0.5 Revised 12/05/2000 John Mileham w/input from Michael Bryzek
Last modified: $Date: 2001/04/20 20:51:14 $