oracle8.1.6 select mm.last_msg_id, mm.msg_id, mm.number_conversation, mm.subject, wm_concat(distinct(p.first_names||' '||p.last_name)) as contacts, count(distinct(p.first_names)) as total_contacs, mm.owner_id from persons p, (select max(um.msg_id) as last_msg_id, um.parent_id as msg_id, count(um.msg_id) as number_conversation, m.subject, m.owner_id from (select parent_id,msg_id from messages_user_messages where user_id = :user_id and folder_id = :folder_id) um, (select msg_id,subject,owner_id from messages_messages where community_id = :community_id and msg_id in ($msg_ids)) m where um.parent_id = m.msg_id group by um.parent_id, m.subject, m.owner_id) mm where p.person_id = mm.owner_id group by mm.msg_id, mm.subject, mm.last_msg_id, mm.number_conversation, mm.owner_id order by mm.last_msg_id desc select distinct(owner_id) from messages_messages where parent_id = :msg_id or msg_id = :msg_id and rownum < 4 select msg_id, last_msg_id from (select paginate.*, rownum rowsub from (select max(m.msg_id) as last_msg_id, m.parent_id as msg_id, count(m.msg_id) as number_conversation from (select msg_id, coalesce(parent_id,msg_id) as parent_id from messages_messages where community_id = :community_id and msg_id in (select parent_id from messages_user_messages where user_id = :user_id and folder_id = :folder_id)) m group by m.parent_id order by last_msg_id desc ) paginate where rownum <= :last_row) where rowsub >= :first_row