oracle8.1.6 begin :1 := ( list_id => :list_id, package_id => :package_id, name => :name, locale => :locale, sender_email => :sender_email, confirm_subject => :confirm_subject, confirm_mime_type => :confirm_mime_type, welcome_subject => :welcome_subject, welcome_mime_type => :welcome_mime_type, remind_subject => :remind_subject, remind_mime_type => :remind_mime_type, expiration_date => $expiration_date, first_reminder => :first_reminder, second_reminder => :second_reminder, context_id => :package_id, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip); end; begin ml_mailing_list.edit ( list_id => :list_id, name => :name, locale => :locale, sender_email => :sender_email, confirm_subject => :confirm_subject, confirm_mime_type => :confirm_mime_type, welcome_subject => :welcome_subject, welcome_mime_type => :welcome_mime_type, remind_subject => :remind_subject, remind_mime_type => :remind_mime_type, expiration_date => $expiration_date, first_reminder => :first_reminder, second_reminder => :second_reminder, modifying_user => :user_id, modifying_ip => :modifying_ip); end; insert into ml_mailing_list_user_map (list_id, user_id, confirmed_p, subscribed_p, subscription_date) values (:list_id, :user_id, :confirmed_p, :confirmed_p, sysdate) select m.user_id, ml.sender_email, ml.remind_subject, ml.remind_body, ml.remind_mime_type, l.mime_charset, ml.list_id, n.node_id from ml_mailing_lists ml, ml_mailing_list_user_map_user_map m, ad_locales l, site_nodes n where m.list_id = ml.list_id and ml.locale = l.locale and m.confirmed_p = 'f' and n.object_id = r.package_id and ((m.reminder_count = 0 and ml.first_reminder > 0 and m.subscription_date < sysdate - ml.first_reminder) or (m.reminder_count = 1 and ml.second_reminder > 0 and m.subscription_date < sysdate - ml.second_reminder)) begin :1 := ( mail_class_id => :mail_class_id, package_id => :package_id, name => :name, locale => :locale, sender_email => :sender_email, subject => :subject, subject_change_p => :subject_change_p, text_header_change_p => :text_header_change_p, text_body_change_p => :text_body_change_p, text_footer_change_p => :text_footer_change_p, html_header_change_p => :html_header_change_p, html_body_change_p => :html_body_change_p, html_footer_change_p => :html_footer_change_p, mime_type => :mime_type, context_id => :package_id, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip); end; begin ml_mail_class.edit ( mail_class_id => :mail_class_id, name => :name, locale => :locale, sender_email => :sender_email, subject => :subject, subject_change_p => :subject_change_p, text_header_change_p => :text_header_change_p, text_body_change_p => :text_body_change_p, text_footer_change_p => :text_footer_change_p, html_header_change_p => :html_header_change_p, html_body_change_p => :html_body_change_p, html_footer_change_p => :html_footer_change_p, mime_type => :mime_type, modifying_user => :user_id, modifying_ip => :modifying_ip); end; begin :1 := ( mail_class_id => :class_id, list_id => :list_id, selection_id => :selection_id, package_id => :package_id, locale => :locale, sender_email => :sender_email, track_links_p => :track_links_p, subject => :subject, template_p => :template_p, mime_type => :mime_type, state => :state, scheduled_date => $scheduled_date, bind_vars => :bind_vars, context_id => :class_id, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :creation_ip); end; begin ml_mail_job.edit ( mail_job_id => :mail_job_id, locale => :locale, sender_email => :sender_email, track_links_p => :track_links_p, subject => :subject, template_p => :template_p, mime_type => :mime_type, state => :state, scheduled_date => $scheduled_date, bind_vars => :bind_vars, modifying_user => :user_id, modifying_ip => :modifying_ip); end;